Mar 28, 2005 21:34
i don't know if it's because i'm back in school or what but i am so down right now
i want to be out of school... for it to be a summer night at some random friends house laughing and talking or something... that seems like a fantacy world right now...
anyway i meant to post this a while ago, but i decided i not to. i don't know why i didn't, but i unearthed it and added to it...
- i get the feeling i give some people too many chances
- i lose things i want (ex: wallet) and can't get ride of some other things (ex: a box of cereal that's been sitting in my room for a few months)
- i'm at a loss as to what kind of relationships i want w/ certain people
- i'm confused w/ my priorities outside of friends and school (running, music, french, sailing all kind of fight to the point i don't get to do as much of any as i like)
- i want a job (i sort of have one but it's taking forever for Baker and Spice to get back to me)
- i know i should be more social sometimes
- i want to meet some new people
- i want to get closer to people i already know
- i know i have to "get my shit together" in a lot of repects
- i feel bad for lying to my parents so much lately
- i don't paticularly like being single this long...
- i'm working more than i promised myself i would
- i want to win a fucking rance, or at least get somewhere good instead of the end or the middle in track and XC
- i want to have more time to play music
- i wish i were older sometimes
- i wish i could go back and be younger sometimes
- i know i live in the moment, but why do i worry about the last 2?
- i know i take more abuse from people i should
- i know i shouldn't get annoyed so easy w/ nolan
- i want to be known as the one that helps people w/ their shit even when i couldn't always get my shit together...