(no subject)

Jul 11, 2005 15:49


First Name// Katrina
Age// 16
Gender// female
Nickname(s)// Keena
Hair Color// blonde, brown, red
Hair Style// short? haha
Eye Color// green

What is your favorite

Color// hotp ink
Game// hide and go seek!
Song// dunno
Music Video// dont have one
Animal// doggies
Sport// basketball
Country// well i havent been to many so id have to say this one..
Movie// comedy
Food// give me any food, ill eat it


Best// peetah, jenny, lauren, hailey, christina, dominique
Funniest// peetah and hailey
Coolest// all of them duh!
Sweetest// jenny and peetah
Kindest// lauren
Annoyingest// i dont belive any of them are
Dullest// they wouldnt be my friends if they were dull!
Stupidest// haha hailey
Most Intelligent// jenny
Athletic// none of them really haha


Boy(Girl)friend// for sure!
Are you in love right now// duh!
Do you have a crush// a crush? whats that? geeze
Do you have a stalker// no? i hope not haha
Do you miss someone right now// peetah

What do you do

At school// do my work and goof off
At home// cuddle, eat, play
Outside// play with chrlie and the bunny!
When you first wake up// lay in bed until i know i need to get up

What _____do you hate

Food// collaflour
Color// none
Hair color// yellow
Tv show// real world shit
Clothing style// thug..haha
Movie// i dunno?

Emotions Right Now

Are You Happy Right Now// yes
Sad// no
Grumpy// noope
Annoyed// no
Lonely// no
Bored//oh yes

Have you ever

Made your own religion// no? haha
Written backwards// for sure! i can read backwards yo!
Written your own magazine// no? these are fag questions
Drawn art// yesh
Got angry with a game// yea, damn those games
Played Lacrosse//no....id probablly kill someone
Broken a bone// nope
Dyed your hair//many times
Put in contacts for no reason//nope
Swam alone// probablly

Things that come to mind when you read...

Intelligentence// dumbass
Stupidity// i know tons..
Blue// blues clues
Gray// stormy weather
Sword// ninjas
Golf//my brother
Soccer// haha..
Yellow// baby shit
Socks// peter..haha
Ribbon// hair

Random Questions

Play Sports, if so, what ones//did track
Have a lot of friends//i do actually, its nice :) i love them
Write good// i think so
Eat a lot// yea, its a weakness
Like the day Friday// yea i guess
Like the month December// i love it

Do you(or are you)

(DY)Give good advice//i think i do
(DY)Talk crap//everone does
(DY)Play a lot of games// huh?
(DY)Wear hats//no
(DY)Like to be outside// yesh! i love it
(AY) Always mad// if youre always mad all youre doing is wasting time
(AY) Always happy// pretty much yes!
(AY) A good friend//I think so

This or that (Last questions)

Night or day//Night
Snow or Rain//snow
Stars or the Moon//stars
Ocean or Pool// Ocean
Boat or Plane// boat
Books or Magazines//magazines
Yu-Gi-Oh Cards or Pokemon Cards// pokemon, uhh what bitches
Blonde or Black Hair//blonde
Green or Blue Eyes//green
Pants or Shorts//pants
Pop or Rock//rock
Punk or Emo//emo, it has more meaning
Tattoos or Piercings // both
Necklace or Ring//necklace
Clouds or No Clouds// no clouds
Art or Literature// art for sure
Jeans or Baggy Pants//jeans
Singing or Dancing//dancing
March or May//May
Halloween or Christmas//christmas!
Coke or Pepsi//pepsi
Hug or Kiss// both
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