Multiple personality issue

Mar 04, 2007 17:43

I’ve noticed that people, especially me, have different selves depending on the setting. Of course people act differently when they’re with different people, but I’m talking a complete personality and emotional change. Sometimes they cross, sometimes they don’t and, in my case, sometimes one is liked more than another.

I know that I have a few different selves. One is the journalism part. That part of me is pretty formal, serious and professional. That’s the part that earns money. The part that talks to adults and gets stuff done. It may seem like there are a lot of journalism people here, but in the world there aren’t so to have a job and skill that not many have is a great feeling. It crosses over into other parts of my life all the time - pretty much any time I have to make a call or write an e-mail. Hell, even my LiveJournal is more or less a collection of opinion and column-like articles. Not to mention I have a huge group of friends who are also journalism people.

I’m another person with them too. That’s where my raunchy, daredevil side comes out. The part that drinks (well, occasionally - I still have my morals). The part that just wants to completely rebel. Who's open to a three-way with my two best guy friends (who just so happen to be dating). That’s the part that comes out when I’m with my State friends. I think the Brody formal was the best showing of that self. That’s the part pretty much everyone sees, too, or at least the people I see most (aka all of Rather). And, to be honest, that’s not my favorite part of me. I mean, I love those people, but it’s not when I’m happiest.

I have two other selves that are pretty interconnected and those are when I’m happiest: my guard self and my “me” self.

My guard self is the one who can talk for hours about marching band, winterguard, drum corps, etc and never tire of it. The part that can’t wait for practice. The part who loves nothing more than having equipment in her hands and being on a field or floor. Who values that bronze Michigan AA medal more than the gold saber individuals one. All my true best friends fit in my guard self. Guard was where I finally found myself - I was one of those kids who always wanted to be in the popular crowd but never fit in. I fit in with guard and band. Joining was the best thing I could have ever done and one of my biggest regrets right now is not marching last fall. Which is why I’m doing it next year and trying to this summer. I just love it, with all my being. Occasionally it comes out in the other selves and people can tell that I love it.

The “me” self is the one that does everything else. Who feels the need to study and organize. Who can just sit there and read or do origami or YouTube and Facebook. The one who has crushes (though the day that that part crosses with the guard part will be wonderful). The one who speaks Spanish and plays music really loud, but not when she's working. Who watches sports and loves figure skating, and will always stand by Michelle Kwan. Who enjoys pasta and Japanese food. Who loves the Spartans but still likes the Wolverines. Who likes good, clean fun. Who has faith. Unfortunately, this part doesn’t come out as much as I’d like it to but hopefully it can next year. But, now that I think about it, it's people in guard who bring that side out in me.

Setting determines which side comes out. When I’m working or at meetings, it’s obviously the journalism side. At practice and TBS, and just hanging out with guard people, it’s the guard side. Hanging out in Rather is the State side. Hanging out in West Circle or that one time I went to Campus Crusade brings out a combination of the guard and “me” selves. In my room by myself is usually the “me” self, but that’s so close to the guard self it’s hard to distinguish.

This is the reason I’m looking forward to West C next year so much - so I can let the happier parts of me run free. And I can’t help but wonder if anyone else realizes this about themselves.

friends, guard, me

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