Seeing Politics First-Hand

Oct 03, 2008 09:57

I got to the Obama rally yesterday at 10 am. By that point, the line was at the far end of the Music Building (going away from Adams). I was by myself for the first part, but then I got talking with the woman from behind me (about guard, actually) so that was cool. Then I told Amber to get her butt up there, and she brought her firends Megan and Katie, so we all hung out. It was sweet. I didn't know until I got there, though, that Tom had been there since 8am. Holy crap! I wish he had called me, because I totally would have skipped my morning class.

It ended up not mattering though, because as soon as we got inside the gates, we found him - he and Joe were right on the fence around the stage! w00t! So we hung out with them for the next three hours, and the people we were around - you get to meet a lot of cool people at these things. We also debated whether or not Allison Janney and John McCain were sitting in the bleachers (access by red ticket only - BUT HOW DO YOU GET ONE???? A girl in my PW classes was there, too) and watched the goings-on in Mindi's room, since it was the only one you could see from the field, lol (a pic even appeared in the LSJ!).

Around 1:45, a reverend came out to lead us in prayer ("I think that was the most political prayer I've ever heard" -Tom), a soldier led us in the Pledge of Allegiance, and the anthem was sung. I should also add here that Obama rallies have good music, because music came back on after that so we knew Obama wasn't coming right out.

We got really excited, though, when the music cut off mid-song. Then the cheering began, and the announcer talked like he was going to announce Obama, but it was actually Debbie Stabenow. Hey, she's cool too.

She introduced Obama, and we erupted - we just FREAKED OUT! OMG IT'S OBAMA!!!! Debbie presented him with a State basketball jersey, and he started a "go green, go white" chant :D He did a good job of making us like him by telling how he graduated high school the same year we won the national title with Magic Johnson, and that he met Izzo and thinks he's cool. Duh!

Then he got down to business. It's too bad the girls in Mindi's room couldn't hear it (namely Mindi), because I honestly don't know how you could NOT vote for him after hearing that, unless you live in such a sheltered world that you have no idea what is going on in the rest of the country. I respect McCain, but I don't think he would be the right president for this country right now - he's too similar to Bush. I have supported Obama since he announced his candidacy way back in January of 2007 (freshman year! So long ago...) because I agree with what he says and believe in what he can do for this country and the state of Michigan, and because of how genuine he seems. I love how McCain officially gave up on Michigan yesterday - who does that? I guess it's no coincidence he did that on the day Obama had three rallies here.

He kept the speech relatively short - long enough to get his key messages in, but short enough that we didn't get bored (though I don't know how you could, he's such a powerful orator). He ended not too long before I was going to leave for band, and made his way to the crowd gathered around the which point we all got REALLY excited. Like über. I was so glad I was right by the fence...the closer he got, the more excited I got. It was like OMG HE'S RIGHT THERRRRRRRE!!!!! And I shook his hand! Oh my God I shook his hand!!!!!! And he looked at me! AHHHHHHHHHH! Tom got to talk to him - he said, "My mom says hi!" And Obama said, "Tell her I say 'Hi' back!" !!!!!!! !!!!!!! !!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then I had to go to rained...but I got to tell my story. People were jealous. :D


election, politics

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