Oh, How Things Have Changed

Jun 24, 2008 11:37

A way I've been entertaining myself this summer has been reading my diary entries from two years and one year ago. Today, June 24, was particularly eventful both years (though today will be pretty boring - just work, unless I manage to catch a bunch of rifle 5s tonight). Things seemed so new and fresh at the time...it's funny to see how those things have changed.

June 24, 2006: First off, I was still obsessing over Kevin O'Keefe. More importantly, it was Katie Siskonen and Lauren's grad parties. Katie's was fun, but Lauren's was basically a huge guardfest. All the little guard girls were there (and I would see them the next day at mine and Jenny's parties - oh, and the Janik's was the night before, haha). We were kind of gossiping, too, and I found out that Sara Gray was moving to Iowa, which is why St. Clair Independent never got started. Lauren and Jenny were also telling me about SMB auditions, and that Orlando was taking over the winterguard and renaming it State of Art. I was like, "cool, I think I'll join!"

June 24, 2007: BELDING!!! Went with Jenny, Linda and Laura, and we followed Steph there, who was with Hil, Hubbell, and "a guy named Tom (never met him before but I'm assuming he's in band)." The whole set-up-me-with-Hubbell thing was still going on, and I still thought they were nuts. We saw Ian at the show and I was all excited because I got a hug (since he was my crush at the time). The show was awesome and I decided to think about trying out for Glassmen. We were talking about auditions, too, and Hil told Krystle that she made it in. We also found out that Spank's sister made it in, and "some super-sweet girl from New Jersey."

June 24, 2008: I'm in love with the guy named Tom and the super-sweet girl from New Jersey is my Little Sister. Spank's sister has a name - Slap ;). State of Art is amazing.

Yeah, wow...

a year ago, guard, boys

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