Subjects are for losers

Feb 25, 2008 16:42

So, my computer is fucked. I'm going to see if there's any way I can get stuff off of there that I need/can't replace, but I've come to terms with the loss.

Stupid LimeWire.

On the bright side, I 4.0ed my first story for JRN 200. Considering I wrote it in the span of 5 hours (that includes distractions) and didn't do my first interview until 5pm the day before it was due, that's pretty damn good. Thank you Jenny and Brandon for giving amaaaaazing quotes.

But now I have to study for a history test which I have done very little reading for. And I'm getting sick. And I have practice tonight, which usually would be a good thing but I don't like how Orlando has been talking lately. You can push us to go further and harder without being a jerk - Steph managed to. I love the guy, but I hate that he's made me dread practice. Though, I wouldn't be looking forward to it today anyways with the way I'm feeling.

Ah well. Just wanted to post my journalistic achievement. Oh, and just because it's funny, take a look at my entry from April 30 last year. It still makes me laugh...

journalism, computers

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