Apr 07, 2011 08:06
I wonder if it's about me getting older, but this morning, I really had a hankering for the old-timey chats on mIRC. Hey, it was fun. You could write a little bit of porn and amuse the people in chat. You could talk about the story you're working on and get ideas without going for an all-out beta*. You could get involved with art involving bagels and sharks...(long story)
I'm on google talk and AIM but it just isn't the same. Le sigh.
* My dislike of getting stories beta read is old and embittered. I've had mostly mediocre experiences, a few great experiences, and several horrific ones, so I just don't do it, even when I probably should. I don't worry about it much since I know any errors I have made, I will notice two minutes after I post it. 9_9