Title: Public Education by Keelywolfe Bumblebee/Sam Rated PG
Summary: This is a little snippet that relates directly to Experiments In Human Nature. What were Ratchet and Bumblebee arguing about? Read it and find out!
Aww! Poor Bee. This could get messy very fast if he isn't completely up front with Sam about what's happening, and *why*. I think Sam will be more understanding than Bee thinks he'll be, and will probably insist on being there for the *ahem* training, just so he'll have all the information he needs, too. (Yes, purely educational, yep.)
But *Sunstreaker*? Oh, Ratchet, no. Sideswipe, though... I'm sensing a threesome! Because of course Bee will have the situation pulled from him by Sam, and they will try *very* hard to get it right and still fry Bee's sensors, and Ratchet will blow a gasket and fix them with the Stink Eye of Medical Doom and *insist* on (ahem) training.
(sidebar: Sunstreaker with *experience* in these matters? Hmm. I *never* would have imagined that.)
(sidebar: Sunstreaker with *experience* in these matters? Hmm. I *never* would have imagined that.)
Don't worry, I did. *G*
You know, this wasn't even supposed to BE a series. Just a little one-shot, a little robot porny fun...I have no idea where this story even came from. At least it's fun. *G*
(imagines Sunstreaker's *experience* coupled with his reference of Sam as a "little pet") Hmm.
I have to say that I'm very happy with the way the story here is unfolding, and look forward in a non-pressury way to future chapters. (bakes you Cookies of Encouragement).
Comments 35
*loves on the Bee*
Thanks, Keely!
But *Sunstreaker*? Oh, Ratchet, no. Sideswipe, though... I'm sensing a threesome! Because of course Bee will have the situation pulled from him by Sam, and they will try *very* hard to get it right and still fry Bee's sensors, and Ratchet will blow a gasket and fix them with the Stink Eye of Medical Doom and *insist* on (ahem) training.
(sidebar: Sunstreaker with *experience* in these matters? Hmm. I *never* would have imagined that.)
Don't worry, I did. *G*
You know, this wasn't even supposed to BE a series. Just a little one-shot, a little robot porny fun...I have no idea where this story even came from. At least it's fun. *G*
I have to say that I'm very happy with the way the story here is unfolding, and look forward in a non-pressury way to future chapters. (bakes you Cookies of Encouragement).
Why do I think young Ewan when I try to visualize Bee?
But I am. A lot.
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