class topic :Warning This is a RANT

Apr 09, 2007 14:55

I am so sick and tired of hearing "well i'm no better"  GRRRRRRRRRRR shut up!

We had a disction to day in class about what to do with sin in peoples lives.  Enveitably when even Christians talk about sin, someone ALWAYS has to say "well I sin too, so I shouldn't say that they are bad b/c all sin is the same".

There is a lot in that that I agree with.  And one thing that just pisses me off~

This is for all you goody annoyingly ralitive Chritians out there who bug the crap out of me.  All the rest (who are not goody annoyingly realtiveistic christians can just ignore this and if your not a one of the afformentioned by a Christiand I would like to hear you opinion on this...rather over done rant (if you can read it amongst all the typoes as I seemed to have forgoten how to type in the last few weeks)).

Yes, all sin is SIN.  Equal and withouth weight.  To be a homosexual is just as sinful as to be a drunkard; to be jelouse is just a sinful as to kill someone.  The Seven Deadly Sins was just a concept to help non-literit people pray.  The priest says "how have you sinned?" the indvidual says "I don't know" the priest says "think through the CATAGORIES of the seven 'deadly' sins." Its like an accrime(sp); ment to cover everything that can be.

And YES, you as the "goody" Christian are a SINNER.  "For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God" Romans 3:23(ish).

BUT the big differance; you, the Christain are sorry for your sin.  You conffess your sins with your mouth and repent (or try to); turn around compleatly and GO THE OTHER WAY, sinning no more.  THIS IS THE RUB!

Of course we are not to judge people.  "Revenge is mine sayith the Lord" don't know the referance for that one, but its in the bible.

GRACE first.  We must give grace if for no other reason then that God gave us grace first.

When these goody little Realitive-truth christians say that they don't have the right to look at someones life and say "you are sinning against God" b/c they have sinned against God as well; just doesn't make since.  Just b/c you sin, doesn't negate all other peoples sin!!!!!!@!!~~~~~!!!!

TRUTH is TRUTH.  There is no my truth and your truth.  there is only Truth.

Teaching is for rebucking, correcting and several other things in that one versue that of corse I can't remember right know b/c I've only ever memorized like five bible verses in my whole life.  The point being that the bible tells us that one of scriptures uses is to teach and train, but also to rebucke, to say "hey, your sinning against God.  you sholud knock that off and come back to Him."  There is a very good reaosn for this.

Yes, we must love and give grace to ALL sinners.  No, we're not so good at that as Christians (just look at history, heck, look at my personal history! I'm still learning how to do this. what dose that say about my up-bringing as a christian that allowed me to be so curely judgmental? or is that a question of my nature rather then my training/teaching?).


MY POINT: you can't side step sin just b/c you strugle with it too.  So stop using that stupid relative truth excuse!  Go a head, love people, all people; teach me how to love all people, but don't you ever DARE to think of comprimising God's law b/c you feel the need to be realitive and politically correct.  We will all be jugded some day by God.  We will all have to stand before the Lord of Heaven and Earth and account for the life we have chosen to live.  The differance is that thoes who have accpted Christ, who have turned around and repented, those will be forgiven.  Their sin has been washed away by the blood of Christ, well ALL sin has been washed away by the Blood of Christ, only those who have accepted that gift will be in heaven.

How will others know that if we don't tell them?  And what will we say to God when He asks "why didn't you tell so-and-so about my love for them?" is 'b/c I'm a sinner too' really a good excuse??

I feel like i have surely steped over some boundiry that I shouldn't have....not a good feeling.

seeking opinion, rant, christian realtivism

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