Mar 17, 2005 18:43
Hey, this is MADDISON, ok well I don't know how this thing works... Keely and I one day decided we wanted to post our incredible adventurous days in school, as in pictures.. but there is a story for every picture. Anyway, right now we are having some dificulties loading the pictures do to my lack of livejournal skills (flashback::Napoleon Dynamite with the hacking skills.. yea. funny) Anyway..Spring break is here, woo, and my birthday is tomorrow. So I'm talkking to Keely online haha and she has some wrods to say:
Leeky500: hey everyone its keely....well today was st patricks day and i was the only loser in school to actually dress up (personally i thought i was pretty cool but w/e) umm well im not sure what im gonna do tonight cuz its st pattys day n my parents are out...and prob living it might night is screwed up...and i really hate these live journal things cuz i dont know what to write...oh yea tomorrow is MADDISONS BIRTHDAY big 17
anyway.. Don't worry people! It wont be this boring, pictures are comming up!! lol I'm out, like yo momma in a skinny contest! chauu mwaa