Of Birthdays and Bowling

Nov 17, 2004 09:10

Yesterday was Wayne's birthday!

He's 20 now :)

We had a very small celebration (which is how he wanted it). Actually, seeing how our apartment is kinda on the smallish side (but awesome!) that's probobly for the best. So, we had one couple from each surrounding state plus my brother. This equaled out to Doug and Kelly from RI, Brian and Brittney from NH, and Bobby and Alex from Mass, plus me, Wayne, and Nate. A grand total of 9 people. Kinda neat! We went bowling, but found out after we got there that it was candlepin and not regular bowling. It was all good though, we had a blast. I came in second and third respectivly between the two strings we did. We were being fun and silly bowlers, which is funny because the rest of our lanes were all serious league men. I figured it would be boring, but it was great. Maybe we'll go again sometime. We also went to Subway, as that was Wayne's dinner of choice as the birthday boy. Back to our place after that for cake and Monkey Ball 2 and a very enjoyable evening was had by all. Sadly, Wayne, who hadn't been feeling all that well, finally admitted he was to sick to stay up anymore and had to go to bed by 9:30. He couldn't go to work today either, so now i'm here at the Salem store covering for him. It really kinda sucks. Yeah, I get to type and play on the computer and stuff, but.. well.. bah, I don't know, I just don't like it here. I hope he feels better soon :(

Speaking of work, and the rewards of work, I really want my paycheck. We're on a very fixed income, and it's been three days since I was supposed to get the checks already. It really really sucks. My boss goes on vacation, and doesn't think of things like this. We haven't even gone food shopping because we were waiting till we got our checks to do that. So yeah. No food tonight, and no money. And no kittens yet either because of it. That makes me sad and angry. This is why i'm getting a new job. Rediculousness. At best i'm getting them tomorrow. Meaning it will have been 10 days between checks. Bad!! Mur!!!

Ok.. deep breath....

rant over....

On to happy thoughts.

Anywho! Tonight is Lost night, which is an awesome new show on ABC. We've been watching it weekly over Bobby and Alex's house. My brother and another couple, Davey and Heather, come over to. It's a lot of fun watching it with other folks, because then you can all discuss theory's as to what the heck's actually going on. Tonight with Wayne being sick though we'll probobly just watch it at home. But that's ok, a night on the futon snuggling and watching TV won't be all that bad :P

Guess that's all for now! Hopefully, work won't suck to much.
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