Oct 28, 2009 22:15
I can't tell which type of flu I have, I'm relatively sure it's not swine (check, yep, no tail yet), but that doesn't mean it stinks any less. And with trick or treating Saturday with my baby for the first time. This is gonna stink. She's sicker than I am, which isn't a pleasant thought.
OK, so, on to update info:
-I'm working on the update for Awake, it's my next project. I'm smelling the finish line on that one. I'm not going to have a major conflict or anything, so once I get through a few more things it'll be over.
-I've got three and a half pages of my next chapter for Fire and Ice done. It'll hopefully be done by the weekend. I've got classes and trainings and stuff to deal with this week, not to mention Halloween parties, so I make no promises. I've skipped a few months time to keep things moving, and the final few chapters are really starting to develop in my mind. You'll hear it here and only here, the ending is going to be much more action-filled than FTGG. And I need Bella for it. Darn, but I'm not sure how involved she would be compared to her original role. I'm really starting to hate her in my writing. Is that bad?
-I've got my next chapter of This Isn't Happening outlined, but I don't have the strength to write it. I know that sounds stupid, but I'm really having difficulties keeping that one fresh, and I tossed my whole outline for it, and I'm working on another one.
-I am tentatively calling my antivenin spin-off of FTGG 'A Beating Heart'. I've gotten it outlined, and I've started playing with the first chapter. But I have to finish off a story or two before I post anything on that. Anyone know a good beta who might want a go at helping me with this one?
Ok, off to keep writing. Stay happy and healthy!