Feb 02, 2004 21:58
Im about to go to sleep in a lil while but i figured i'd update first...
So before i got pissed off for no reason and decided to rip off my nails. Those damn people use soo mych glue and acrylic it is sick. That definetly caused a lot of pain though. I nearly pulled off all of my real nails with them, damn that hurt. (maybe that wasnt such a brilliant idea.)
So any way i had ski practice after school today. Its our last one til' next season. (tear) Umm yea the thing i am gonna miss most about the ski team is, the bus rides. WE know how to have fun on a bus! Im glad that no one important is leaving. Well except for the best person on our team but i mean who really needs them any way. I only care about having fun. Haha. Tomorrow is our last meet and i hope it will be a good one and no one will get hurt like last year! hah.
But yea so besides all that ski bullshit nothing new has happend in my life what so ever. Im still fivkin lonly and hating every minute of my life basically. I cant say that is the only reason why i hate the way my life is going tho..but i guess it doesnt help much at all. I still havnt figured out why i have such mood swings and what the reasonings are for me being upset all the time. I wish i could just figure it all out, but i cant and i hate not knowing. It really pisses me off, cause i can sit and think for hours and try to figure it out and i really just cant. Ugh this shit is so annoying, why cant i be the lucky one that is always happy and loves their life. Damnit i am so jelious of those people if they even exist. I think the one of my main probs is being so god damn self concious, i always think that people are constanly judging me and think bad of me. But should i care all that much what other people think?! NOOO, but then why do I?! Hmm thats confusing. I think i need to stop rambling on. Im going to sleep!
ALso if your gonna read this then fuckin comment damnit. Also i know someone had to look at those pics of me and those drunk assholes. Why didnt you comment on them, i know you have something to say about them cauz some are just horrible! you guys suck, Fuck you all you suck my a Ho!