Free Hugs Campaign

Oct 30, 2006 09:26

A hug is more than what it seems. It is more than a gesture of saying 'i miss you' it is more than a fuzzy way of saying 'good bye.' The power of a hug, the power of embracing and letting go, of joining and separating is underrated and is so much powerful, that is why the Free Hug Campaign was started by one man (ironically named Juan Mann) in Sydney, Australia who started hugging strangers randomly in an effort to brighten up someone's life (at least for a day).

In an age of SMS and 3G Video Calls people are becoming more and more disconnected (ironically again since the world is becoming flatter because of technology). Hugs are becoming extremely rare. So sad especially since sometimes what a person really needs is just a simple hug. Its all about making someone else smile - spreading the love.

The Free Hugs Campaign has spread out from Sydney to Milan, Barcelona, Tel Aviv, Seoul, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Taipei, Beijing,Changsha, Berlin, Krakow, Sopot, New York, San Francisco, Paris, Amsterdam, Dusseldorf, Venezuela, Mexico, Goiania, Sao Paolo, Brasilia, Bolivar, Budapest, Zurich, Toronto, Tomaszowie, Lublin and places most of us have not heard of (Krakow, Lublin, Sopot and Tomaszowie are all in Poland, Kiev is in Ukraine, Bolivar is in Venezuela, Goiania is in Brazil, Changsha is in China, Dusseldorf is in Germany).

K2: I say lets do this before the sembreak ends! That would be fun! You guys always talked about making a short film (I'm blaming Evi for the long overdue script). C'mon guys!

If anyone else is interested just comment here. =)

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