Jun 08, 2007 11:36
School's been getting ridiculous. I go to class for three hours a day, and yet it's keeping me as busy as if I were at a normal public school. The college stuff on top of downloading Skillport lessons (the teaching method they use) plus I have practicals for in class that we only have three hours to do its getting crazy. I had to write a exam for the unit we just did AND the first quiz for the unit we started today all in one class. The ironic thing is that we just started a unit on stress management =\
Outside of school things are alright. Still looking around for a job, I've got tons of guy to paint for the campaign in two weeks and my mom's been getting on my case for not having any clear goals for the future.
On top of that theres been some e-drama floating around that I really don't want to deal with and would rather just see it dropped. I'd deal with it if I wasn't doing hours of homework.
Speaking of, I should get started on my Podcast that's due Monday. >.<
Till next time.