Apr 08, 2004 22:59
well this weekend was gay as for the week, my pure luck once again came in when i got caought driving homeboys around town. but seriosly wtf god damn my mom is a fuckin bitch, see i was workin n the g-ride and i was dirty i was laying down in the carpet and she seriosly frikin threw this hard as plastic thing and nailed me in the dome. i got pissed and started yelling at her and she got mad and slammed the door, w/e shes a lesbo. well today i went to go film the movie for our history class with my good freind blake and steven and this guy amed cody hes the filmer hes chill. oh man its gona be such a funny/sick movie. its about the dropping of the big ass bomb. haha i was the japenese army yeah 1 an army goes along way. we filmed in this creek and thier is this log cabin that is like a million years old from the 1800's they should me its sick.i talked to my old best freind ryan and hes pimpin the bitches in new mexico so word up to him, but im so stoked we finnaly get a good swell tomarowsupposed to be 5-8 but ill be happy with 5-6. but hey i just want to get out of my house. i cant wait tillmy car is ready. soo funny my freind garret was gonna get jumped by people b/c he was talkin shit, but its chill now, geez dumb girles...girles are so gay they get you to like them and then there over you word to that, peacelate im off like a prom dress.