Feb 28, 2010 03:42
With real life and routine coming back is so sad to realize that my time is not 100% Arashi related anymore! I so ready for my july vacation...I want it now *so what it's still february*!!!! hehehehe
But every spare time I get is Arashi dedicated...My parents are starting to get mad at me because of this xD But I can't help it....they got me addicted to them...is their fault not mine!!!!
Right now I'm really into Arashi's last appearence on Mucis Station!
First of all...new songs! I loved both Troublemaker and Yurase, Ima wo !
Second Sho-chan not being there was really bad, Arashi without Sho-chan is not Arashi right? But the second I saw him on the screen I was like "Kyaaaaa Sho-chan you're there!!! Of course they wouldn't sing without you!!!"
And in the end Sho appears!!!! He's a bit taller than eveybody...but seeing those adorable dorks playing with the virtual Sho was just great and so cute!!!!
This became one of my favorites tv appearances ever....cho kawaii ne!
I was watching it today and my grandmother (her parents were japanese) stopped by the pc and started to look at it. She's the only one that supports my Arashi addiction (mainly because I'm learning japanese, and you practice what you've learned when you watch videos, so if I practice a lot I can talk to her in japanese, and it makes her extremely happy), she says that someday I'll surely go to Japan, and I really hope that when this day comes she'll be able to go with me =)
So, after watching the video for a few seconds she said: "They're all very handsome ne! I can't really say which one is the cutest." Ahhhh I was like "grandma ( O . O )" but at the same time so happy...I never expected her to say something like this!!! So the conclusion is: My grandma rocks xD
aiba masaki,
ninomiya kazunari,
matsumoto jun,
ohno satoshi,
sakurai sho