how will we make peace with a people like this:
this is not the first nor random incident. I read a book called "Princes," which is an autobiography of a Suadi princes. For her, this stuff was daily and commanly normal. What sort of peace can we grow? They must hate Condoliza and HIllary.
i find it extremely frustrating (and distracting!) having "humanitarian activists" stand at my checkpoint and watch me work to make sure i don't cause any harm to the Arabs...yet no one goes to the Arab neighborhoods to make sure they don't murder their daughters and sisters and wives. Not to mention the entire Arab world, especially Saudi Arabia.
For some reason it's more of an issue for Jews to embarrass and Arab at a checkpoint than for an Arab to murder or enslave another Arab in their own home.
In the words of Mooki D, "Everyone's talking about Peace. But no one talks about Justice."
Police urge action on 'honor killings'
Rebecca Anna Stoil, THE JERUSALEM POST
May. 31, 2006
Police officers called on Arab community leaders in Ramle and Lod on Tuesday to take a stronger stand in condemning family "honor killings" after Lod police saved a teenage girl who had been severely abused for a perceived affront to her family's honor.
The 18-year-old victim of the latest in a series of such attacks managed to alert police, who arrived at the teenager's apartment and were greeted by silence after knocking on the door. Fearing the worst, police broke down the apartment door and discovered the young women imprisoned in the bathroom. She had been chained to the bars on the window and had been badly beaten.
After she was rescued by police from the improvised prison, the young woman received medical treatment at nearby Assaf Harofeh Medical Center.
The victim's 19-year-old brother was arrested and confessed to beating his sister and chaining her to the window. He told police that the family had been unhappy with the teen because she had spoken on the phone to people who were deemed unacceptable by the family.
The young woman's father and mother were also questioned by police.
Police called on community leaders in the Arab sector to condemn such actions carried out in the name of family honor and to change the social conditions that allow the community to remain silent when they occur.
Only last week, a 24-year-old woman from nearby Ramle was stabbed to death by her brother, who admitted to killing her in order to maintain family honor.
In April, five brothers from Lod were indicted for the March murder of their younger sister, 19-year-old Rim Abu Ganem, in what also appeared to be an "honor killing."
Police said that while women like Tuesday's victim are eligible for assistance from social welfare authorities and have shelters at their disposal, some choose not to accept police assistance and return to their families.
Senior officers in the Shfela Subdistrict, in which both Ramle and Lod are located, said that while police take such murders very seriously, the community needs to also take steps to end the phenomenon.
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