Wikipedia: "Aliyah"

Feb 15, 2006 01:30

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Some highlights taken from the posting on Wikipedia:

Recent Trends

Since the mid 1990s, there has been a steady stream of South African Jews, American Jews, and French Jews who have either made aliyah, or purchased property in Israel for potential future immigration. Specifically, many French Jews have purchased homes in Israel as insurance due to the rising rate of anti-Semitism in France in recent years.

The Bnei Menashe Jews from India, which were only recently discovered and recognised by mainstream Judaism as descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes, slowly started their Aliyah in the early 1990s and continue arriving in slow numbers.

Organizations such as Nefesh b'Nefesh and Shavei Israel help with aliyah by supporting financial aid and guidance on a variety of topics such as finding work, learning Hebrew, and assimilation into Israeli culture.


Argentine Aliyah

In the 1999-2002 Argentine political and economic crisis that caused a run on the banks, wiped out billions of dollars in deposits and decimated the country's middle class, most of Argentina's estimated 200,000 Jews were directly affected. Many chose to start over and move to Israel, where they saw opportunity.

More then 10,000 Jews from Argentina immigrated to Israel since 2000, joining the thousands of previous olim already there. Although the Argentinean economy improved, Jews continue to immigrate to Israel, however, in smaller numbers than before.


French Aliyah

With the start of the intifada in Israel, Jews in France have been feeling the heat as well. With incidents like torching synagogues, beating up anyone who appears to be Jewish, and in some cases even murder, Anti-Semitic incidents rose to numbers not seen in France since World War II. Although the Muslim community within France was largely blamed for the anti-Semitism, Jews often complain of the general French populations pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel position, and that police are soft on anti-Semite offenders. With the Muslim and Arab population of France growing, Jews felt threatened and uneasy. Aliyah became a priority for many French, especially the youth who are generally very Zionist.

In the period 2000-2005, 11,148 Jews made Aliyah from France. Including a 35-year high in 2005, with 3,300 immigrants.


North American Aliyah

There are approximately 110,000 North American immigrants in Israel. There has been a steady flow of olim from North America since Israel’s inception in 1948. Record numbers arrived in the late 1960’s after the 6 day war, and the 1970’s. Many immigrants began arriving in Israel after the intifada, with a total of 3,052 arriving in 2005-the highest number since 1983.

Unlike other olim, North Americans tend to immigrate to Israel more for religious and political purposes, and not financial ones, since many off them are well off to begin with.

history, aliyah, news

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