What did YOU do? Workity work suckity sucked, but at least it was payity pay day.... (that didn't work as well as I hoped it would. Damn.) I was left to my own devices for most of the day, seeing as how all three of the guys went out on an install. They came back just in time to see some of our clients leaving and to print out paychecks before 5:00 rolled around. (I actually dealt with customers all by myself today. I think my boss might trust me too much.) Work ended, picked up check, cashed said check, and made Stephanie go to Walmart with me (more like asked.) Had a bit of fun trying on these gaddawful hats they were selling, and actually shopped for my mom. Spending money isn't as fun when you aren't spending it on yourself. The main finds of the evening... toilet paper and dog food. Dog food was $10, that I understand. BUt the toilet paper.... why is it so expensive?!?!?! $8.00 for 12 rolls!!!! It's not like your wiping your ass with paper encrusted with gold flakes or with a ply similar to silk, so WHY????
On a lighter note, I would like to commend Jac and you other theater kids for not killing anyone so far with the Star Wars rush. I can only say I don't envy you your jobs right now.