Jun 07, 2003 23:23
Jealousy…I think that it should be the root of all evil. It’s the most horrible feeling ever. It sucks the life out of you. You want to get rid of it and you try and try….you pray it away and it slowly lurks its way back into your life. Will it ever go away? Is it worth it to feel like this? Is it worth it to gain love, but to gain a horrible feeling with it? Why is it that we are never jealous of the love that God gives other people? It is the same for everyone, available to be accepted. God has the same amount of time for everyone. God doesn’t say that he doesn’t have the time. God doesn’t tell people, “No.” People tell God, “No.” This feeling can make one go insane I do believe. The devil may know our weaknesses, but God knows our strengths. So what is it then that is my strength to surpass this feeling of jealousy?
I don’t know when I wrote that - either this year or last - but there are some major feelings running through there. Tonight as I sat at the dance recital, I sat there, regretting many things. One of them was that I could have been in Sullivan; the other was, why didn’t I ever take dance lessons? Then I thought of my cousin Andrea sitting next to me. She used to take dance lessons and piano lessons. Then that made me wonder....why didn’t I take piano lessons? So often I say to myself, if there was one thing I would like to do, I would like to sit in front of a piano and just be able to play some great music. If I really, really wanted to take piano lessons, I know I could, but my time now is concentrated on other things. It’s really not something I think about on a daily basis either. Anyway, it is easy to become jealous of other people. It is easy to become jealous of a talent, the attention they get from others, looks, clothes, money, cars, and other material possessions...oh...and here’s a kicker....God given gifts. As I sit there being jealous of the way a person can get up in front of people and just play the piano as easily as pouring a glass of milk...yes, I know that’s still difficult for some...I realize that they put a lot of time into what they are doing. Sometimes I find it easy to become jealous of people who are so knowledgeable in God’s Word; however, I also have to realize how much time they put into getting to know God and His Word. The only one true regret I could ever have in this life is not following through with God’s will. If that is the case, then I should stay close to God. The more you know someone, the more you learn what is expected from you. I feel it’s somewhat similar to that. I read though that it is not the object that we tend to become jealous of, but we are jealous of the feeling that person is feeling, one of power. If we are to look at God given gifts as a blessing in other people’s lives instead of something to be jealous over, then we will have less regrets in our life if we concentrate on the positive and look into strengthening our own God given gifts.