Mar 25, 2004 08:56
That's how I feel right now...I'm so overwhelmed I think I might puke. I just got done with my guidance counselor who strongly suggested that I should go to Grad school. No thank you. The thought seriously makes me ill. I don't handle stress well...actually, I just don't handle stress at all. My body just shuts down completely, I get really tired, and then I just want to cry for the rest of the day. That's seriously wrong. That's what I would really like to do right now, but no time for that. And also, I'm am a psych think they teach us what to do in those kind of situations,, but I can tell you the definition of stress. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Gr again.
Anyway, my counselor told me I needed to do all this stuff for that wasn't enough...and that I needed to go ahead and take the GRE (Graduate Record Examination - sounds great huh?). It's supposed to be good for 3 years if I decide to go ahead and go to Grad school later.
Two things...
First thing, I never wanted to go to college in the first place. I wanted to join BVS. I was talked into staying and taking 2 years of college at Spoon. Then, after you get done with 2 years, suddenly it's unacceptable (I won't say by who and definitely not my parents - they don't care what I do...they care, but not about the kind of care I'm talking about - the evil kind) to not go to college for another 2 years. And now, suddenly that those two years are almost done's horrible I'm not thinking about Grad school. I HATE school. Let me say that again...I HATE school.
Secondly, I seriously hate that I have good grades now. It's more of a blessing I'm not doing so hot this semester. LOL...I tried telling my guidance counselor that, but she just laughed it off and said that I was probably doing more than fine...HA - little does she know. Good grades are the devil. I unfortunately, will probably still strive for them because that's just my nature, but I do not need unwanted stress of something I don't even want to do. If I don't even want to go to Grad school, then what would be the point of going. The answer is to please other people. That's what it all comes down to. That's why I went to college in the first place. Some may say that I wanted to go deep down inside. Maybe that's true to an extent, but I don't want to go to Grad school. Not right now, maybe never.
I just feel like...I never have time for anything when I'm in school. I never get to do what I want really. I just want to start working and get on with my life. Have my nights free for social things. I want to spend my time with church or volunteering. No time for that when you are in school. I could if I didn't have to work on top of that and if I didn't get stressed so easily and if I didn't care about my grades. I love summer time, because then I finally get to do what I want when I'm done with work. That reminds me I need to find some kind of something to do with my summer. And you know what, that doesn't stress me out. Because I know that I am using my abilities to do something good and worthwhile.
God can still use me if I don't go to Grad school. Maybe I'll change my mind one day, but don't try to talk me into going...please.