This post is mostly being made at Austin's request. Back in May I decided I needed to completely redo my bedroom. I had been wanting to do it for about a year or two but never got around to it.
Mainly I needed more space for my things by rearranging furniture and buying a new dresser. I decided to go all out, though, and repaint my room and mount shelves on the walls, as well as a few other things. I basically wanted my room to be unrecognizable.
This past year I had been having a really hard time and my bedroom had become the place I spent most of my time being depressed and feeling sorry for myself. It got to a point that I didn't even like being in there anymore. Things have been turning around for me lately, so what better way to reflect that than by redoing my bedroom!
So, I'm posting pictures of my hard work. I started working on it in May, then I had to take about a 2 month break from it because of school, and now during this 3 week break I just had I finally got to finish it!
These pictures will probably be more impressive to those few LJ readers out there who know what my room looked like before. I unfortunately forgot to take before pictures. =(
Either way I'm proud of my work. So, enjoy!
This is the view as you walk in. I painted my ceiling and two of my walls this one color that's kinda like a pale yellow/cream color. I painted the remaining two walls an olive green type of color. My whole room was just white before, and the walls had gotten dirty over the years. There were also a million little thumb tack holes from years of rearranging posters on the walls.
Also, that's a new dresser!
Also, the painting next to the TV is my sister's doing.
Also, you can get a hint here of the new shelves mounted on the wall. =)
This right here is my pride and joy. I love my new shelves! I've got some of my DVDs and books on there. I also had to narrow down the tons of action figures/toys that I own to the few you see on the shelves.
These next few pictures take you around my room...
Here's my bed! Or, as they would say in "Cribs", this is where the magic happens.
This bookshelf has all my comics, as well as my laptop and some other computer crap at the bottom. Yay.
I forgot to close the door, but you're not missing much. There's a mirror on the wall behind the door, and a towel rack hanging off the door.
And here's the final view of my room. That bookshelf you see there mostly has nursing school stuff, except for the top shelf which houses my Harry Potter books, some music books, and my LPs.
By the way, here's my dog Sage! I hate that ugly dog bed, but there's no way I can take it outta here. Sage will cry at my door if I don't let her hang out in here all the time.
Here! Have some close-ups! You can see here the shit-ton of nursing books and crap they make me buy.
And by the way, my sister got me that humongous model of the heart. I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do with that thing.
Close-up of my shelves! I bought these cute Eva figures about a year ago and never displayed them until now.
Here are my Frank Miller style Batman and Superman!
On the left are 3 little bobblehead-type turtles my mom got for me a while back. I heart turtles. And on the right are Griffith and Gatts from Berserk! I heart Berserk.
Next Shelf! There's King Mickey! Also, I've got there my Flash Maquette. You can't see in the picture, but the base is signed by Michael Rosenbaum who does his voice. He's also known for playing Lex in Smallville, FYI.
There's my cute little SD Stormtrooper! He makes noises when you touch him under his feet. I have a shit-ton of Star Wars action figures and I managed to only display this one. I heart Stormtroopers.
Check out my cute little Eva chicks with the cute big heads and cute big eyes and cute little bodies and cute little legs hanging over the shelf, OMG. Also, there's Gir!
Close-up of my sister's painting. She was gonna throw this out, can you believe it?
Close-up of my Tintin poster that I bought in Spain a few years back. It's a cover of the comic "The Black Island" seen here in its original French. The poster was small and laminated, so I got it framed. They recommended at the framing place that I put matting around it so the poster wouldn't stick to the glass. It was expensive, but I love how it turned out.
The Batcave! Limited edition, signed by the artist Dick Sprang.
In other random news, I start my last semester of nursing school today. I'm a little nervous and kind of excited to be done with school in December.
Also, Dragoncon is this weekend and I'm sad that I don't have the money to go. I also can't really go because I'm busy with school. I'm really hoping to go next year.
Lastly, I've started dating someone. We've been dating for about 2 months now, and I'm happy. =)
This post ended up longer than expected. Guess that's what happens when I don't post intimate details of my life daily. Not that there's anything wrong with that.. *cough* *cough* austinsapostwhore *cough* *cough*