Feb 15, 2008 14:55
KeeBLeR138: you know what's awesome?
XMagnesium: Austin?
KeeBLeR138: >_<
KeeBLeR138: do you know the "Green Hills of Stranglethorn" quests?
KeeBLeR138: where you have to get the pages and stuff?
XMagnesium: Oh, right.
KeeBLeR138: so as you probably know, when people get duplicates of the same page, they usually sell their extras in the booty bay AH.
XMagnesium: Right.
KeeBLeR138: i went to that AH last night to see if people were selling any at decent prices cuz i was getting tired of getting them on my own.
KeeBLeR138: i noticed there were a few auctions that sold stacks of 2 or 3 of the same page...
KeeBLeR138: probably done by mistake, because i actually made that mistake once.
KeeBLeR138: there's no reason why someone would wanna buy more than one of a page, cuz you only need one of each for the quests.
KeeBLeR138: i caught my mistake back when i made it and took down that auction. i lost the deposit, but whatever.
KeeBLeR138: i noticed that all of these were by the same seller.
KeeBLeR138: i ended up buying all of those auctions of his that were probably mistakes, and then sold the duplicates myself.
KeeBLeR138: woo hoo!
KeeBLeR138: so i got all the pages i needed and ended up with a net gain of about 2g.
XMagnesium: LOL
XMagnesium: That's pretty awesome.
KeeBLeR138: yeah. i was quite pleased with myself.
KeeBLeR138: if those were mistakes and the guy noticed, he probably hates me. =P
XMagnesium: Haha, that's hilarious, dude.