
Mar 26, 2009 22:11

Title : can't think of it... yet

Author : me^__^

Character : Jung YunHo and Flavia Redknapp, there will be some other characters added

Warning : Bad English, and maybe bad story

Author's note : this is my first attemp on writing a fic, i didn't expect somebody to read this fic since this is a really bad story. English is not my language so please bear with it


It had been a year since he convinced to me.

It had been a year since we become couple.

Today is our first anniversary and he was home since yesterday. I hope we can have a romantic dinner. But I don’t think he remember our anniversary. He did not even talk about it last night when we had our conversation.

“Wake up champ” I said to my beloved man and kiss his cheek.

“Give me five minutes baby.” he moves a little and pulls the blanket up to his head so it covers him up.

“Come on, everybody is waiting for breakfast. I have cooked your favorite breakfast oppa” I try to wake him up again by take the blanket off him and fold it. He turns around and rubs his eyes. He looks at me and take the blanket from my hand then cover him self with the blanket.

I leave him in the room and headed to the dining room since the other is waiting for breakfast. I live with five wonderful people and it makes lots of girl hate me. I live with the most popular boyband in Asia. I live with DongBangShinGi and dating the leader.

“Good morning princess” JaeJoong oppa greets and put some sugar on his coffee.

“What did I said about coffee for breakfast?” I snatch the coffee away from him and put a glass of milk in front of him. I don’t like coffee for breakfast; I prefer milk or orange juice for breakfast than coffee.

JaeJoong oppa sigh and drink his milk. “Where is YunHo?” he asked.

“YunHo oppa is still sleep. Let’s eat” I pull the chair and sit beside ChangMin oppa. I’m kind of mad with my boyfriend. He seems didn’t remember our important day and he seems didn’t care about it. I was so happy when he called few days ago and tells me that DongBangShinGi will have some activity in Korea but I am not that happy now.

“I’m done. I have a tight schedule today so maybe I won’t be able to cook lunch and dinner” I take my plate with me, put it in the dishwasher, and go to my room to have a bath. I see my boyfriend still on the bed covering him self with the blanket. I do not try to wake him up so I just go straight to the bathroom and take a bath as fast a possible.

“You smell good baby” My boyfriend hug me from behind when I walk out from the bathroom and take a sniff of my neck.

“I miss you; do you have to go this early?” he puts his chin on my shoulder and hold me tighter.

“I miss you too oppa but I have works to do today and maybe I won’t see you for a whole day” I turn around and give him his morning kiss. We have had this morning kiss habit since we live together.

“Can you take a day off this week? We only have a week in Korea. I want to spend this week with you” He let go of me and sit on the bed and open my notebook to see my schedule.

“I have my days off this weekend. I’ll stay with oppa this whole weekend just like we used to do when I visited oppa in Japan every weekend” I put on my lipstick and brush my hair.

YunHo oppa is living in Japan with the band. Therefore, we met only on weekend since I always took my days off on weekend.

“I have to go now, see you tonight” I grab my bag and kiss his cheek but he pulls me and kiss my lips.

“Do you know how I miss these lips? Do you know how I miss to hold you like this?” he said between the kiss.

“Oppa, I have to go now.” I kiss him back and free my self from his embrace. He doesn’t like when I interrupt the moment he wanna share with me. He loves me very much; I know it since he waited for me for the whole 4 years. I’m in love with him since the day he said hello but I was in a relationship with American actor.

“I’ll take you out, come on” He takes my bag and holds my hand.

We see the other still in the dining room eating their breakfast while chatting.

“Oppa, I have to go now. See you tonight,” I yell at them when I passed them in the dining room and they wave their hand.

“I miss you princess” YooChun oppa yells.

“I have to go now, don’t skip your breakfast” I kiss my boyfriend and get in the car.

“I’m gonna miss you baby.” He kisses my forehead and my cheek before I close the door, but suddenly he holds the door and said to me that he had something to tell me. Maybe he will say that he wants to have a romantic dinner to celebrate our anniversary.

“What is it oppa?” I hold the door and look at my boyfriend and the more I look at him the more I fall in love with him.

“Sarang hae” he smiles and then closes the door.

Sarang hae? He drives me crazy. I can’t believe he forgot about our anniversary. I drive to the studio but I feel somewhat heavy in my heart.

my fic

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