Apr 19, 2008 20:26
I shared here before that 2 of my sisters expecting their first baby right...humppp I just got one today...19 April 2008...just a few day after my birthday... my sister's due date is around 28 April or early May but I guess the baby can't wait to get some share from my salary...I already have a lot and lot of things to buy for her and some more end of this weekend there is sort of sale for the member at Jusco....i can't wait to grap some jumper...hat, socks etc..etc but the mother said...GREEN only....humpp...imagine her cute princess wear green jumper...like froggieeee......onggg...ongggg...such a cute little frog....hehehehe
My mum look more healthy today right after she heard that her 7th grandchildren is delivered safely. My sister struggled for almost 4-5 hours before successfully bring her daughter to this world. She is so brave...seriously I'm scared of getting the baby out from my tummy....but I do love babiesssss...I love their smell, i love their smooth skin, soft and small...I love them especially when they sleep...heheheh I guess after this I will rambling more about her...
Oh yaa....at this moments I like Around 40 (arafo)'s drama. so far is a bit true for women who reach certain age group...oittt I'm not in that arafo...but in arasa....women at age 30's....so far when my friends share their children story I will share too...my nephews and nieces story...but i found that some time it is sound "not in" when you realized that you are not supposed to talk somebody else children...right...
Anyway I think I will have new story to share with them..like it or not I'm proud of sharing story about them with my friend....but really I kind of wanna baby on my own....arghhh the hard things is where should I find the "breed" for my child....muahhaha...
Ok...let me stop this rambling...I need to get ready for AF (reality tv-Academy Fantasia)...guess who is my favourite.....Ridzzz coz he love to eat and always find a way to eat.....muahhaha.....
p/s: Riddz ko tak yah sengihlah cam tu...aku minat Ridzz mata separa helang tu....bukan smiley sengih...hahhahah