Mar 15, 2008 20:44
Yayyayaa....I'm so semester 2 result came out yesterday and I managed to get excellent result....I'm the highest......eventhough out of 4 students hehehhehe.....and I'm glad that I made it...this has motivate me to do even better for this semester.....yoshhhhh...
Finally I got green light from my mum to continue my dream to be reseacher in Human Science especially in I/O Psychology eventhough I know that my mum don't really 100% approved it...she just said that why after all that I have now, I still want to do some career that she don't see any good for me...well my mum view it in term of money and "standard"....I persuaded my mum that what I'm looking for is not just a money or name or some status but my own satisfaction and since 10 years I have been doing what I currently do just for a sake of family and money. I'm not the one who just seat in the office and doing some routine works...I like research and love to explore about humanities especially on emotion, feeling and the end my mum agreed and asks me how I can still finance my house...which I just promised her that before any decision that I will take...I will let her and the rest of my siblings permission and help...hopefully that time is not as hard as i think...hopefully.... and for that i have about 1 year to workhard and smart on my study and searching for is hard to reach any dream?...............
Did I shared here my Master? well I'm doing Industrial/Organization Psychology or known as Occupational Psychology in Europe. The major is more to Human Resource and minor on Social Science with some culture and business planning subjects. My interest is more on Psychology but it is hard for me to study with no backgraound at all. That why I took I/O which is actually sub in Psychology in any university. I was accepted because I fit to requirements which is degree holder with more than 5 years working experiences. After 1st semester, I have found that this is the line that I should groom with because with this Master I be able to help people especially workers to be able to survives in their working life. How many of you have stress, demotivated, bully or did not satisfies with your life because of your work?...well to tell the truth, most of us...including me...bully is never happend so far....I might be the one who bully the other...hehhhehe...
I think I share to much here...just one any of you out there...if you think what you do know is not giving any sense to your life...take a deep breath, start to use your brain and think your future now...and if you think that what you wanna do is not some "high status" career..just do it....however if you still think money and status is more important than try to live with it...its either take the action now or you will regret that one day you found that you have no meaning in life...well my dear some peole might think that "I still have time" and "I'm still young" but for me...time and age is just a is short and priceless......there's always a way when there's a will...right?