I promise a new update soon, but first, I wanted to post a couple of my favorite author photos. Working at the library, I really see the best of the BEST.
Dude is totally shrouded in mystery. Notice his dog in the corner, and how he is all leaning and badass against some stump. There are SEVERAL great variations on this one!!
Check out how she is SO COMPLETELY COOL that she is walking in slow motion.. Those lights are just WHIZZING by her! The jeans are totally middle aged woman but check out the pleather coat. The new book by said author features a DIFFERENT CITY scene. She really mixes it up, walking the big bad city streets.
Also, I've also been lucky enough to finally see QUACKER FACTORY, on qvc. If you ever need a bedazzled sweater with a snowman or some candy canes, or 3-D butterflies, then this is the place to go. The woman also wrote a book that looks AMAZING:
WOW. On that note, I am kinda drunk and totally ate too much and am going to go watch some SUPERNATURAL on my sister's mini dvd player.
Right now I suggest the book FUNNY LITTLE MONKEY by Andrew Auseon and I promise, contrary to what you might believe, that you can trust my suggestions. I THINK. I decided I need to buy another book case STRICTLY to feature all of my young adult novels but only the ones with awesome outdated covers.