Hahaha spam is getting more and more wtf nowadays. Got this email this morning titled:
[I opened the email up, and this was what it had in the body..]
The guide that Marcus has produced would have made my learning experience so much faster and less frustrating. Because this guy was beyond pathetic.
I only got back to watching TV two or so years ago. I only got back to watching TV two or so years ago. I'd say I'm a fan of Bond more out of habit than enthusiasm. And any action seems unlikely or - at the most - ineffective. I found that the list of URLs that it contained far exceeded my expectations; as well as containing sites that I already know to be valuable, it contained many, many more that I had not seen before.
Well it certainly has in my case. Because this guy was beyond pathetic.
Which led me to the inevitable realization: it should have been one of us. This article is for all of us and will guide you to a better life. He had even made a tiny saddle for the dog and small children would have rides. There have been a lot of hand-wringing, negotiations and threatening involving Iran.
Eiffel is a surprisingly pragmatic language, and as a result it does have a solid niche market in industry.
A quick scan of the over-dramatic flailing on conservative blogs and the despondent tone of Fox News fills me and many others with a profound sense of schadenfreude.
I expect to be using it on my next project in the coming months and believe that it will be an extremely valuable resource. In the summertime we spent hours riding in the wagon as her dad led the big dog around the neighbourhood. The driving reason was that my access to TV at the time was extremely limited. The driving reason was that my access to TV at the time was extremely limited.
Wintertime he would hook the dog up to a sled for our rides. In this article I argue that economic sanctions even if imposed will not be effective in stopping Iran's nuclear program, and that military intervention is unlikely.
We all know the blogosphere is not just used to talk about our cats and day at the mall.
In the world of politics, expectations are as real as the raw numbers, and you have certainly exceeded mine and many others.
I've gone and taken the biggest changes I wanted to make in my life, and modified them so that they BECOME the path of least resistance. Which led me to the inevitable realization: it should have been one of us.
In the summertime we spent hours riding in the wagon as her dad led the big dog around the neighbourhood. Which led me to the inevitable realization: it should have been one of us.
The dog loved his job and was a great companion to us all.
Obviously a slow newsday for CNN to report the workings of Internet trolls. But I also felt that TV writing wasn't up to par with my intellectual pursuits.
This article is not about ever-lowering testosterone levels in men.
I'm lazy, I have zero self control and even less self discipline. Wintertime he would hook the dog up to a sled for our rides.
In turn, I enjoy sharing them and talking with others about them. Over the last few years, however, there have been some changes that make Eiffel a more interesting proposition - it might be worth a second look.
The dog loved his job and was a great companion to us all.
[lol.. err yeah like this is *soo* related to Eiffel haha]