Peanut's first bath!

Mar 28, 2009 20:09

Apparently, the kitty doesn't mind too much when you give her a bath.  It started out by me noticing today that she was shedding a lot, and thinking that it would be nice to get some of that fur off so I can stop wearing it all the time.  Which escalated into me petting the kitty rapidly back and forth, getting off lots of fur, and bringing all the dander to the surface.  This particular Peanut cat doesn't really clean herself very much, so then I wanted to give her a bath, but wasn't sure how she'd like it.  So I got Dan, and we put her in the sink, and she didn't seem to mind too much!  Of course she was constantly trying to climb out if we let go, but there was no meowing, and no scratching attempts.  Now she's all wrapped up in a towel here so she won't get cold.  Now I need to go to the pet store and get some kitty soap, I didn't want to use people soap on her.  I told my sister that she needs to come and take pictures next time.  :-)
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