I was ripped off by a fancy restaurant in an outdoor mall in a small town

Jul 25, 2007 13:03

I was taken to a restauraunt of choice for my birthday. They didn't list the prices of the items on their menu (or didn't do a good enough job of it!)
My mom ended up paying $107 D:

I knew something was fishy about the fancy way they arranged the tiny appetizer. Arg, I don't feel too well about this. At least there will be a $50 a day reimbursement for food when my family goes house-hunting in Seattle XP

On better news, I found the cover for Knightfall on Terese Nielsen's Deviantart account. I guess I don't have to buy Spectrum 8. But I already ordered it from Border's. Errr, I guess I don't have to buy it because it's used.

Only 2 more days of Chinese school. Finally! Aha, I bought Within Temptation's US release of The Heart of Everything. So far, it's good, but I wish the lyrics were more storylike, as in their last album (aha, I should of bought that one instead, if the files weren't so easy to find and I only want it for Aquarius, which I already have and decided I should buy the album just because I might possibly like the rest of it). "Hand of Sorrow" has Jacen Solo vibes. Yes, Jacen. I wonder how he'd fare against Harry Potter. I still need to finish reading Deathly Hallows. It's taking long due to Chinese School and the fact I don't want to buy it. So I read a bit each day at the bookstore. I'm on page 111 right now, don't spoil it! My sister tried to, until I told her the Yuuzhan Vong would be angry if she said anything else. My classmate was also doing it, but wouldn't stop because "I'm not talking to you" XP

Arrrrrrrrg need to finish contest entry for Lameep. Need to get around to art trade with MistyTang. Need to listen to the album.

music, star wars, art, materialism, rants, ranting, yuuzhan vong

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