Oct 04, 2009 02:47
I can't believe I just cried my eyes out.i havent cried since, well since exactly a year ago, back when it was the most depressive time of my life. I can't believe i let it all hit me again in the same month. So much shit always happens to me. I'm never able to do anything, I'm always told to be someone I'm not. I'm forced to do things I really don't want to, I'm left behind alone, by friends who chose to leave me. Is my life suppose to always end in sorrow and loneliness? Am I always destined to be brought up to a high, to only crash straight to the bottom at the peak? What happened to the Kevin that was always happy, outgoing, positive, caring, optimistic? Has that side of me died? Perished into oblivion? I need to find myself again.