Aug 22, 2009 13:42
Okay, so, I just arrived in North Carolina because like, my mom does permanent make-up tattoo and stuff, and she came here to finish a job she did down here before. So she dragged me and my brother along, also my dog. I personally don't like going down to NC because its a boring 6 hour drive and I have to hold the dog, who doesn't like going places in cars so he ended up scratching the crap outta me and stuff. It just utterly horrid. And my cousins house isn't nice >< its actually like really horrible. I'm in a room where it's really icky, and there's like dead insects everywhere >_> and the floor feels really weird under my feet -.- it terrible here, and I'm leaving tomorrow so it's like "... omfg such a waste of time." Next time I'm convincing my mom to leave me at home with the dog so I don't have to worry about all this crap...
Anyways, so just recently I got forms from my old school, and they weren't transfer forms, they were emergency care forms and information forms needed to get my schedule for that year. which means I'm still attending my old school even though I'm in a different county ha! But they're probably going to make me transfer in the first few days of school :/ So it's a weird situation...
... I really need to get back into writing again >< I haven't had the inspiration to write the next Eyes On Me yet :/ so it's all like nyar -.- Maybe I'll write while I'm down here since there's nothing to friggin' do, and this house is severely annoying -.-
So, wish me luck down here, also hope that I live through the 6 hours back home tomorrow -.-