Didn't Anyone Tell You Not To Drop The Soap?

Feb 06, 2014 14:28

Title: Didn't Anyone Tell You Not To Drop The Soap? (1/1)
Author: kebssss kebencaruso
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth ft. Justin Bieber
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Prison Rape
Disclaimer: This is just as fake as Nicki Minaj's But.. Ew.
Summary: the title says it all
A/N: this was inspired from this ATFF ask. <3 I'm sorry to all the Beliebers reading this, it was made for entertainment purposes and EVERYTHING IS NOT REAL. Thanks.

Mibba link

Looking scared inside a prison cell would only make Justin Bieber an easy target, the celebrity life isn’t gonna follow him up until this cell doors. He wasn’t in special treatment too, and that scared him to hell, being locked up in a room with possible mass murderers and drug addicts, maybe pedophiles, Justin doesn’t know. All he knows is he isn’t gonna survive this lifestyle; he had to pay the price though, eight months of imprisonment.

He hands the guard his things, like, his cellphone, his watch, everything. And the guard hands him his orange over-all that’s too bright to even look at, Justin’s head spun around at the sight of his soon-to-be clothes, he almost internally groaned.

“Lookie, lookie, J.B’s finally payin’ the price for his recklessness. That’s the first, huh?” the guard that handed him his clothes said in a snarky tone, rolling his eyes as he finishes his words. Justin had to shut his mouth, talking back would probably just get him more trouble. He was startled when the guard yelled,

“Aye, Jack! Let’s take this rookie here in his room, introduce him to Gaskarth.” The Jack guy was fairly attractive, Justin wonders, was he a prison guard here too? The Jack guy doesn’t look like it, but before the new inmate could think about it, Jack was already pushing him to the hallways of the faint prison building, their footsteps are echoing through the walls.

It was a long walk, his hands are now handcuffed. Silence is what filled their long journey to his cell, not one breath was even heard from the guard escorting him.

“Are you a guard too, sir?” Justin muttered, glancing sideways at the person beside him, “Don’t ask stupid questions if you don’t want stupid answers, rookie.” The guard spat, rolling his eyes at Justin’s way. The new inmate had to nod his head internally at that, his question was quite obvious.

After a long flight of stairs and never-ending hallways, they finally came to a stop, the guard revealing a set of keys, patiently looking for the right one for Justin’s handcuffs, he wonders why would they even cuff him, it’s not like there’s a place to run. He won’t be far long gone before a guard catches him. The prison grounds were quite enormous.

“I want you to just shut your mouth, and let me do the talking, alright, rookie?” Jack said turning away and not even bothering to see if I nodded or not.

He opened a door, unveiling a smell or smoke and liquor, something Justin has been all too familiar with when he was free outside these walls. He scrunched up his nose at the sight before him, there were three people inside, not too muscular, playing cards on a small table in between the two opponents, one was a bit small, his hair was brown, almost like a caramel but darker, his eye brows were a size of an obese caterpillar, it somehow sent chills down Justin’s spine, he has a rose tattoo on his left hand with the initials of T.E.G, he was wearing a sleeveless Led Zeppelin shirt, exposing his skeleton tattoo that is somehow wearing a skeleton costume, his lips was in a smirk, a cigarette hanging in between.

There was this other guy, a big, muscular one that has a sleeve tattoo, a nose piercing to match with it, he was enormous, and he could probably crush Justin if he wishes to. The other one has a lip ring, he somehow reminds Justin of Mickey Mouse?

“Yo, Alex, I have a rookie here for ya. S’name is Justin, y’know, the shitty pop star Justin Bieber.” Jack said, and the Alex guy turned to face Justin with an amused look, his cigarette still hanging on his lips, he dropped the cards on the table forcefully and stood up, eyeing Justin from head to toe. It was a new feeling for Justin not being known by someone, has this Alex guy been here so long he doesn’t even know what the current news is?

“So, new guy, eh? What’dya do?” Alex said, towering over Justin.

“D-DUI? Alcohol a-and drugs. I also e-egged my neighbor’s h-house.” Justin muttered, barely even audible, Alex had to lean in further to understand what the boy was saying.

And Alex just laughed, his hysteria was booming to the walls of the room, his comrades were snickering behind him, and Justin was dumbfounded, staring at the men laughing and pissing themselves.

“W-what? Why? What are you in here f-for?” Justin asked,

“Killed my whole family, sweet cheeks.” Alex said, and the room fell silent afterwards, his face fell into a serious one, lips forming into a scowl. Justin’s eyes widen at the thought of what this man has done, he doesn’t look like the kind of guy to do it, and the Alex guy was, Justin had to admit it, very attractive.

“Now, Jack, why don’t we take this hot stuff here for a tour in our cell, yeah?” Alex suggested. Jack nodded and pushed Justin towards the room.

Alex smirked, snickering and lead the way to the parts of the cell. It wasn’t too big nor was it too small, average, to say it. There were two double-bunk beds on each corner of the room, the walls were painted dirty white and there’s ceiling fan rotating above them.

Alex went to grab Justin’s arms, but the new inmate flinched away, glaring at Alex, “Don’t touch me.” He said.

“You should be a little nicer to me,” he drawled, his smile was intimidating, “I won’t bite you, unless you want me to.” He muttered, trailing his fingers on Justin’s smooth skin on his forearm. Now, that was just it for Justin.

“Fuck you,” he spat. Justin was starting to lose his temper at Alex’s cockiness; he won’t be treated like a bitch here. Maybe if Justin were to fake a little prowess, this cocky bastard would back off.

His laugh was sinister, and it echoed once again, but this time in my mind. His intentions were obvious, “Don’t try to act tough, sweet cheeks. It’ll get ya nowhere. I actually think you’d much rather prefer to have me take care of that sweet lil’ ass of yours?” He started.

His voice were barely a whisper, hot breath ghosting on Justin’s ears, Alex was circling around him, waiting for Justin to attack him. But the rookie knew better than to stand up and fight, he was new, there were four men in here and he was only one, and he was pretty sure that [i]that[/i] muscular guy can split him in half in a matter of seconds. Justin was a man with pride, though; he won’t just stand here and get harassed by these awful criminals.

“Get the fuck away from me,” He yelled, turning around to face all four men looking at him with bored expression and their fists clenching. Now, Justin knew he is in deep, deep trouble.

“Zack, I don’t think this little cunt here knows who he’s talking to. Would you mind helping me show him?” Alex said, staring intently at Justin who’s suddenly frozen in his spot, just looking dazed as the muscular, apparently his name is Zack, guy stood up and walked towards him, Justin was in doom though, he started to scramble from his stance and ran to the bathroom, cowering and pleading not to hurt him.

“You should’a listened when to Boss, slut.” The Zack guy said, towering over Justin with a smirk on his face.

The next thing Justin knows, there were strong arms grabbing his own, and carrying him to the tub on the right corner of the room. He was thrown to the only bath tub in the room, his bottom half hanging off the other side of the tub, almost like he was kneeling and leaning on the ceramic tub. Strong arms were taking a hold on his forearms, and his legs. He tried to pry away from the hold but it was nearly impossible because he was such a skinny boy, he was no match for these people.

“Leave him alone, guys.” Justin heard from the door, it was Alex. “You wanna shower, princess?”

Alex hands Justin the bar of soap, leaving the room but left the door open wide. Justin doesn’t really know what he was doing, so he started to strip, and opening the shower. Cold water cascading over his body, glistening and wet. He stared at the soap on his hands, which was shaking from the nerves and anxiety. He felt so numb and scared inside this cell, he wasn’t exactly sure why Alex wanted him to shower, and he was so confused. Were they playing a trick on him? His shaking hands were barely able to hold the slippery soap on his hands, and as he was about to rub the soap on his skin, Alex’s voice snapped him from his anxiousness and he unintentionally dropped the soap.

“You should pick that up.” Alex said. Walking towards Justin, the rookie felt too exposed with his ass naked and wet. And Justin knows what that actually meant, tears were brimming on the corners on his eyes, “Please, please don’t make me do it.” He pleads, but Alex just stared at him,

“Pick up. The god damn. Soap.” Alex punctuated his words with his teeth clenched and his fists balling to his sides.

Justin couldn’t contain his tears as he bent down and, his hands shook violently, attempting to grab the offending soap on the floor.

“Please don’t do this, I’ll do anything.” Justin stammered as he sobbed violently, picking up the soap on the floor, but before he could even stand back up again, strong hands were grabbing his thin frame again and pinning him to the side of the tub. Assuming his position that was held just moments ago. Pinned down, with his bottom half hanging on the other side of the tub, exposed to everyone.

“Didn’t anybody ever tell you not to drop the soap?” Alex muttered, leaning over Justin’s body, and whispering.

“Matt, spread his legs open for me.”

“Please, please don’t do this. Please, I’m begging you.” Justin pleaded, tears streaming down his face as he struggled to get away from Zack and the Matt guy, he tried to look behind him, seeing the guard, Jack just laughing at the doorway, laughing at his misery.

Alex stood behind him, unbuckling his belt hoops and letting his pants slide down to his ankles, along with his underwear. He stood there, smirking and stroking his own dick, “Let’s see how tough are you, now, princess.”

With that last said, he shoved himself hard and forceful inside Justin, groaning at the tight heat embracing his own cock. The rookie was a virgin, and Alex was glad he was, it’s been a long time since he actually fucked someone clean inside this jail cell.

Justin was howling and pleading, the words “Please” and “Stop” has slipped out of his tongue, he doesn’t even know how many times he’s asked for Alex to stop. The pace was ruthless and he could feel the blood coming out of his ass and crawling down his thighs,

Alex moans and groans were becoming more frequent and loud, the man fucking him wasn’t actually small, quite the opposite, really. The size filled him up, his thoughts were clouded with pain and he wished to just die now in this tub.

“Please, s-stop. It hurts,”

“Shut the fuck up, I know your tight little ass is enjoying this too.” Alex spats in between his pants, continuously snapping his hips savagely in Justin as the young boy cries in agony, he wants everything to stop. He just wants the pain to go away.

“Oh, slut, you sure have a tight ass. S’fun to see your blood gushing out.” Alex moans, grabbing Justin’s hips roughly, will surely leave bruises later on, he snaps his hips forward so hard Justin almost slips from his position, “It hurts, huh? I hope it does, whore. That’s what you’re gonna be in here, you’re our little slut now.”

Justin stopped pleading, stopped his crying, because what was the point? Alex was never gonna ease up anytime soon, anyway? So he stops, he felt numb, he felt worthless, he felt like death. The hands digging on his hips are rougher and harder, pushing the abused skin to its limits, nails were dug on the velvet skin, ripping out the flesh and letting out blood.

Alex thrust his hips three more times before he was coming hard inside Justin. The rookie felt cheap, he’s been used for pleasure, without his consent. He felt like throwing up when he felt the hot cum dripping down his thighs to his knees and pooling onto the floor. That’s when he started crying all over again, the hands pinning his legs down were gone. Should he be thankful it’s over now?

“Ah, slut. You sure are a very good fuck. I don’t think I’ll ever get bored of ya.” Alex snickered as he composed himself and started to walk down the door, putting his arms on the guard’s, Jack, waist and kissing him passionately, “Alright, boys. Do whatever you wanna do to that piece ‘a shit.”

Justin could barely keep his eyes open anymore, his body was drained and his brain was going to shut down anytime now, the hands pinning his arms were suddenly gone, but the last thing he remembered were two people pushing themselves inside him at the same time.

A/N Thanks for reading! <3

pairing: alex/other, top!alex, mentions of: jalex, smut!prison rape, one-shot!prison rape

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