Mar 04, 2004 13:46
i kept talking to David on the cellie and then i got offline b/c some people online were getting on my nerves. and no, kelsey and troy, it wasnt either of yall. <333 anyways, i didnt get off the phone w.David until midnight and he didnt want to let me get off the phone! hehe! <333 anyways, when we got off the phone, i went to sleep. it took me forever to go to sleep though! ugh! i havent been sleeping good the past few days and that really sucks arse.
i woke up this morning @ 8:30am and decided to try and sleep on the couch, but before i go to sleep, i wanted to get online and all that good shit. so, i did. but the internet kept being an usual! ugh! the internet was being sooooooo fucking slow that it wasnt even funny! i sent myself an email and it usually takes like 5 seconds for me to get it back, and it took 5 minutes to get it back! its like WTF!!! and AIM wont fucking let me log in! some annoying dude whos trying to apply to one of the communities i help maintain is getting on my damn nerves! ugh! hes applied to 2 other communities that i saw and he deserved to get rejected from them! i mean, WTF!!! TAKE A HINT!!! yah know? anywaise...the internet fucked up again, so i decided to just go lay down. so, i layed down on the couch and went to sleep. i slept til 12:30pm and then decided to eat some breakfast and watch TV. i watched "A Makeover Story" and half of MadTV. then, i got online.
so, now im sitting here online and chewing some good Juicy Fruit. hehe! <333 i tried to call David, but i got his answering machine. oh well. im sooo bored right now! ugh! and im cramping too. :'( blech! i go back to school tomorrow. i really dont wanna go back! i wish i could just go back on Monday! yah know? well, ima go now b/c i got some stuff to do! bbye! <333333