Oct 29, 2004 17:56
well where should i begin??? besides the fact my mother abandend me for some guy... or my dad tellinh me i need to call him? he doesnt call me... or the fact that i have to babysit everyday after school and cant do anything? or the fact that i cant get good grades if i tried? or wat about my aunt not likeing my boyfriend because he made a mistake and she thinks he might put me in a bad situation? he isnt going to do that (i hope)... or wat about me not being a teen? im not a normal teen.. i dont go to parties, i dont hang out with anyone besides sarah and emily and matt... i dont go anywhere exciting (like there is anyting to do anyways)... i have to be a mom to my cousins cuz their mom has to work late and pay the bills.. i have a mother who doesnt care about me and told me i was an accident... wat child wants to hear that from their own mother?? i sure in the hell didnt.. that goes to show how much they care about you.. or wat about haveing a bad reputation at school becuz u lost ur virginity and it got around and everyone called u a slut and didnt care for u.... or wat about people not likeing you because u talk loud?? or wat about me trying to kill myself 3 times because my parents didnt pay attention to me and my brothers would beat me on a dayly basis and ur parents didnt do much about it? wat about haveing to move across the country to live with someone that actually pays attention to you and cares about you? i had to do that.. it sucks.. but in the long run im grateful i did it.. i have a better life style now and people actually care about me... thats only half my life story.. yea in there somewhere are good things but i have had a shitty life and it sucks.. no child should have to go through wat i went through... well im out to write a different entry... i love you matt *Jeanine*