
Oct 09, 2005 03:12

irish pub plus coral's birthday plus michel;le and kappa sigma friends equals the best night ever. we lost michele's cell phoner in the gutter. we got the cell phone.. i sVED IT, BUT THE BATTERY IS LOST. WE WILL LOOK FOR IT TOMORROW. I LOVE JAKE AND MY MOM AND MY SISTERS and my dad AND MY nOT RELATED SOROrITY SISTERS AND EVEYRONE RIGHT NOW. I LOVE NICOLE WERTZ SO MUCH. I CALLED HER AND TOLD HER THAT. SHE'S FUCKING AMAZING. JAKE IS PLAHYING NINJA ASSAULT. I'M HUNGRYU BUT IM ON A DIET so i wont eat. blah. food i love. but not as mcuh as nicole wertz. i saw bp tonight. he is awesome too. i bought songs but thy never played. assholes at irishpub stole my money. i thought michelle was done for, but it was all good. scariest. i wish it was cori's birthday everyday. if you are still readin this i'll gove you ten bucks. not really. love to all.
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