Jul 31, 2009 23:24
I don't feel better yet, so here's a list of things to remind myself.
Note: these lists are only for the benefit of MYSELF.
Things To Look Forward To
-being done with work (August 7th)
-getting my lip pierced (August 7th)
-bus to Philly and then Jersey Shore for a week with Nikki (August 8th)
-Emily's wedding shower and a trip to North Carolina (August 15th)
-getting my hair done (August 20th)
-leaving Chagrin Falls for COLLEGE. (August 27th)
Things I'm Good At
-photography (note: 36,000 presidential scholarship)
-being a friend
People Who Love Me that I Have Been Neglecting/Should Put My Energy And/Or Love Into
Things About Myself/My Body That I Can Work On Improving Before School
-makeup skills
-toning up/getting thin
-eating habits
Things To Do Instead of Calling or Thinking About Jon or Any other Boy
-yoga class
-pluck eyebrows
-paint nails
-write letters to Jeff in Iraq
-read new books
-write on this shit
-watch crap tv
-do sit-ups
-read about the things I want to do during "Weeks of Welcome" at school
-make a color coded schedule for college classes
-bathroom things
-markers, pens, pencils
-colored papers
-stuff to decorate my bathroom at school [in the vintage store at Chagrin]
-2 fuzzy shag pillows
-1 small zebra pillow?
Places To Go With Friends Or Alone
-garage sales
-Medieval Fair
-Cleveland Zoo
-Mentor Headlands
-Huntington Beach
-antique fairs/stores
-different Metroparks'
Things To Learn To Do
-knit on the Knifty Knitter again
-style my hair differently
-cook different things
-love myself