Jun 02, 2006 11:09
Lots of crap going on recently. I've been in a very nostalgic mood lately, but I'm not sure that that's the right adjective. It's homesickness, but without the sick part. With each year that passes I separate more and more from the previous incarntions of myself (elemiddle school and high school versions, that is) and enter more and more into the "real" world. In this case, it means that I have to come to terms with the questions and loose threads that will never be tied. All I can do is make my best effort to figure them out, but after a point it's not worth it anymore. My dreams these past couple of nights have been much more... normal... than usual as a result. They involve discussions and explorations of the different ways that the threads I followed could have led, and such. I'd really like to have a bit more ability to converse directly with my subconcious, so I can chat with my demons directly, instead of in some bizarre abstract context that my mind literally dreams up and sticks me in.
So, in short, the last entry was triggered by an old diary entry that I found from way back when that made me crack the hell up.
Watched the spelling bee last night with Rachel and Ray. Not only did I correctly guess who was going to win when there were about 10 kids left, I correctly guessed how the 2nd place chick was going to misspell her world: "veltschmerz" vs. "weltschmerz". Can't believe it. Must be luck.
Oh, and a I saw an S.P.E.W. bumper sticker this morning on the bike ride to work. Nearly fell off in laughter. Speaking of biking, I absolutely love the freedom to selectively obey any particular laws you wish when you're riding.
More later, I'm off to laminate with Brian.