Sep 23, 2004 14:00
[Name] Keara
[Nickname] KO, keariffer, k-ort, liberty, k, k-dog
[Screen name] kearao
[Birthday] November 18
[Age] 19
[Astrological sign?] scorpio
[Chinese zodiac sign?] don’t know
[Location] AUSTRALIA!
[Sexual Preference] boys!
[Marital Status] unmarried
[Religion] christian
[Eye color] brown
[Height] 5’7
[Shoe size] 9.5
[Parents still together?] yes
[Siblings?] 1 brother, 1 sister
[ Nieces/Nephews? ] nope
[ Kids of your own? ] not yet
[ Grandkids? ] a few
[ Pets?] at home
[ In school/graduated? ] Ball State
[ Have any credit cards? ] yeah, maybe too many
[ What do you drive? ] topaz baby!
[ Color ] purple or teal
[ Number ] 37
[ Animal ] dolphin
[ Vehicle ] 99 grand am
[ Flower ] gerber dasies
[ Scent ] boys or brownies
[ Shape ] don’t have one
[ Drinks ] water
[ Soda ] dr. pepper
[ Book ] a walk to remember
[ Band ] don’t have one
[ Song ] could not ask for more
[ movie(s) ] can’t pick
Do you...
[ Color your hair? ] nope, but I should
[ Twirl your hair? ] yeah
[ Have tattoos? ] one
[ Piercings? ] yeah, 7
[Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? ] one might say yes J
[ Cheat on tests/homework? ] can’t say I do
[ Drink/Smoke? ] nope, not for me
[ Like roller coasters? ] yes sir
[ Wish you could live somewhere else? ] nope, Australia is amazing!
[ Want more piercings? ] Nope
[ Like cleaning? ] at times
[ Write in cursive or print? ] cursive
[ Carry a donor card? ] my drivers liscence says I’m a donor…..does that count?
[ Swear a lot? ] nope
[ Own a web cam? ] can’t say I do
[ Know how to drive? ] I like to think so
[ Diet? ] nope
Do you...
[ Own a cell phone? ] yeah
[ Ever get off the damn computer? ] oh yeah
[ Hablar Espanol? ] what!?
Have you ever...
[ Gotten a speeding ticket?] yeah, but I have also gotten out of them!
[ DUI? ] No way!
[ Been in a wreck? ] haha
[ Been arrested? ] Nope, I’m a good girl!
[ Been in a fist fight? ] nope
[ Kicked someone in the nuts? ] ha, yeah….but I didn’t mean to
[ Stolen anything? ] well if I said no that would be a lie
[ Held a gun? ] yeah, and I’m a better shot than steve!
[ Drank? ] no to drunkenness
[ Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name? ] Nope
[ Considered a life of crime? ] a life this good must be!
[ Considered being a hooker? ] haha, I’ve said it but not meant it
[ Cheated on someone? ] Never
[ Been married? ] Nope
[ Cried over a girl? ] nope
[ Cried over a boy? ] yeah
[ Lied to someone? ] you have to at times
[ Been in love? ] yes sir
[ Fallen for your best friend? ] well I’ve never thought of lechlinshline that way
[ Made out with JUST a friend? ] where do these questions come from
[ Been rejected? ] if you knew me then you would know the answer was no
[ Been in lust? ] I think it happens to even the best of us
[ Used someone? ] not on purpose
[ Been used? ] probably
[ Been cheated on? ] not that I know of
[ Been kissed? ] yeah
[Current mood] good, I don’t really want to be around people…is that a bad thing?
[Current music] none L
[Current taste] green extra
[Current hair] lechlinshline braded it for me today!
[Current annoyance] the little kids above us
[Current smell] the ocean
[Current thing I ought to be doing] studying
[Current windows open] 0
[Current desktop picture] some car
[Current book] edpsych….oh it’s amazing!
[Current cds in stereo] kristi’s mix, which is amazing!
[Current crush(s) ] ha I don’t have a crush, but if I had to pick….it would be adam!
[Current favorite celeb] mandy moore
[Current hate] ugly girl
Current job] none!
Do you
[Do drugs?] nope
[Have a dream that keeps coming back?] nope
[Play an instrument?] I pretend at times
[Believe there is life on other planets?] I don’t know
[Remember your first love?] Yeah
[Still love him/her?] not that way
[Read the newspaper?] not really
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] I know gay people, I don’t know if I would call them friends
[Believe in miracles?] Yeah
[Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?] yeah
[Consider yourself tolerant of others?] at times
[Consider love a mistake?] never
[Have a favorite candy?] snickers
[Believe in astrology?] not really
[Believe in magic?] at times
[Believe in god?] yes
[Do well in school?] I like to think so
[Go to or plan to go to college] BSU
[Wear hats?] at times
[Hate yourself?] I’m too perfect to hate
[Have an obsession?] gum!
[Have a secret crush?] nope
[Do they know yet?] yeah
[Collect anything?] working on it
[Have a best friend?] yeah
[Close friends?] a bunch
[Like your handwriting?] I do, but my mom and dee don’t
[Care about looks?] at times, I mean who doesn’t
=Love life=
[First crush] I honestly can't remember
[Current crush] adam
[First kiss] chris jaradzewski
[Last kiss] adam
[Ever been in love?] yeah
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] not really
[Do you believe in "the one?"] yeah
Are you a::
[Wuss] never
[Druggy] nope
[Daydreamer] at times
[Freak] don’t think so
[Dork] nope
[Bitch/Asshole] at times
[Brat] ha
[Sarcastic] do you know me
[Goody-goody] nope
[Angel] you better believe it
[Devil] nope
[Shy] nope
[Talkative] at times
[Adventurous] sometimes
[Joker] I play jokes
[Flirty] sometimes