I am extremely bored and not want to do anything so I guess, I'll accept request fics as of now before I head to stalk some fic out there.
This will be closed after.. IDK. After 5 people leave a comment, I think.
First come, first serve. And yes, only open to 5 people like I said.
Fanfic Title: [optional]
Pairing: Any JUMP pairing... except YAMACHII
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Pairing: OkaMori
Genre: Fluff
Rating: i dont mind anything
Plot: I want a fic that's about OkaMori's talk on that "Book" pair xD (where Keito suggest they go to America and stay for a year~ <3)
hurhurhurhurhurhurhur >D
OKAY~ got it. ^^
/rolly rolly
hur I should continue with my very overdued KikuJima soon. It's not helping that the weather is warm over here D:
but yeah.. it's so warm here too. =__= I'm even torturing the aircon alrdy.
i think i should 8D
and on the aircon too x.x /currently surviving on fan :\
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