Nov 06, 2006 23:13
So about that thing called life. Crazy Huh? I was laying here on my bed and I came to the realization that I'm a junior. Wow. Thats insane. It's a thought that sharply reminds me of the speed at which life moves. I'm in my third year of college, and I feel as if those high-school days trail right behind me.
Good stuff and sad stuff. As awful as it's true, all those old friends are drifting away. My schedules are so packed that it would really be impossible to make a concentrated effort to drag them back into my life (I'd also have to take into account that some are hundreds of miles away). It's some social form of drowning, and I do miss their friendships dearly.
I'd enjoy it if time could just slow down a bit. Just four more hours in a day.
My brother graduated highschool recently. It's felt as if that would never happen. Not because I think he's stupid; rather he's my little brother. To see him progress into an adult is a scary thing, because it allows me to compare it with my own process of maturing.
My brain has taken some large leaps. It's interesting to review it's course. First, I went from that full on arrogance in highschool, to a mental awakening. College was really a brick to a glass door. For the first time I saw things beyond myself, and really began to gain this great thing called Knowledge. Wisdom slowly came, but it was fasinating to induldge in the wonders of the human mind (I got wrapped up in the stuff). To stretch beyond schoolwork to the realm of expressing educational creativity was a fresh awakening. Top that off with a severe cause of spiritual starvation, and I instantly leaped from my teenage years into adulthood.
Still I carried some ignorance with me. I thought this inflow of knowledge made me superior in the sense that I thought I was now smarter than most. I really thought I got the main course when I was merely fed some bread and butter. I got my humbling as college continued (praise God).
Never would I have imagined how much intellectual progression I had to go through. Every day is one of new lessons. Besides being blessed with the Christian perspective, I really enjoy all these new idea's that I'm getting. I pray that all of you in college take it beyond grades and girls. It's really that moment in our lives where we're encouraged to search for truth and knowledge; things more valuable than GPA's and Internships. These first two things really give life meaning; beyond that we're merely an existance, and thats rather sad.
America has this ability to autonomitize things. We're such a fast paced society; cellphones get smaller, internet gets faster, and information becomes more abundant. We can get everything fast, and in days even faster. We're at this pace where we set our eyes down at the end of the track and sprint. I guess we make this mistake in college. We don't stop to just perceive our place in the universe, or our moral attitudes. Nope; we're too busy trying to get to class.
I'm not telling you to be a tree-hugger (hippy's did us no good ;D ). I just feel at odds with our societies rapid pace. The business side of me see's that rush in a competitive spirit, yet that religious studies side of me frowns upon it.
That pace, in a way, blinds us. We sacrifice creativity for efficiency. It's up to you to decide which suits you best, but I personally miss my creativity. Nostalgia has this terrible tendency of creeping up on me, and I guess I enjoy throwing it up on blogs so I can remind myself of it later on.
So if there is something behind this what is it? Well I'm asking you to question your pace. Heck, maybe even your direction. Where are you going, and how fast as you going there? Theres a english proverb about running to see a mountain and trampling on flowers along the way. It's interesting to stop and wander, and just enjoy that which we'd normally ignore. Grants life that detail that places an emphasis on it's beauty and design.
Oh well, enough crazy talk. Observe your pace and question it. Thats it!
Just an expression of words.
God Bless.
-Leonard O