Apr 03, 2006 11:02
So I admit it: I really haven't taken care of my livejournal. This thing has been 3 years in the making, and ever since myspace was introduced, it's suffered harshly. How did I come to this conclusion?
I was looking into my calender, and I began to read my LJ from it's beginning. Besides finding out that I was one immature prick, and that I would be utterly annoyed by my former self if we met in a dark allyway, I noticed that my posts now don't compare in frequency.
I used to post in this thing 3-4 times a week, and I would blog actual events of my life. Having this thing 3 years is extremely interesting. These last 3 years have been the most vibrant, exciting, depressing, sporadic years of my life. So much has happened! I have also grown so much!
I used to be really immature. I mean wow! I've changed soooo much. It's amazing to have a way of looking at myself 3 years ago, and being able to compare that self to who I am now.
It also reminded me of some interesting things. As I've stated before, I've completely forgotten how it felt to really be in a relationship. I don't know why, but I tried to convince myself that my first relationship was a horrible waste of time. I guess it's some form of self-healing; that by demonizing my ex and the relationship, I could better cope with the loss. When I comparte it to that crap I had with Melissa, it wasn't bad at all. Judging by my LJ, I must have enjoyed it.
I know this is random, but you know what I hate? I hate women who mourn and cry, and post about how badly they want a nice guy, but they're the type to stab that very guy in the back. I'm genuinely disgusted by seeing women cry outloud about how they want someone loyal, chivalrous, and romantic, while openly knowing that they had someone like that and tossed them aside. The worse part is how these women devour what nice-guys are left. It reminds me of the praying mantice, and how it rips the head off of it's mate. These type of women do the same. They mourn and call out for a nice guy, yet when they have them they tear of their heads, leaving those few women who honestly deserve these types of men to have to go through the process of all the a-hole males who infestate this place.
Well, back to my rant... It's interesting to compare the former self to the now. I advise everyone to go do it. Fun Stuff ;D
God Bless!