Calling all Intelligent Christians; An Idea of Mine.

Jan 18, 2006 10:27

Before I fell asleep last night, I was tossing around an idea. It got to the point where it actually kept me up a few hours passed my bedtime. We're all familiar with college groups such as Waves (Christian group), College Republicans, etc. I had an idea of starting my own. I'll explain below.

My experience at Miami Dade hasn't been that bad. I've had a quality education, with professional professors, and at an extremely low price (they pay me). But one thing that I've had trouble with is finding A) Other Religion Majors (I've only found one; a nun) B) Other Theist C) Other Theology students D) Other Apologists.

Yes, there is a Christian club, but it’s based around fellowship and praise/worship. I've had extreme trouble (In all Miami) looking for a group or club of Christian Apologist/Christian Theist/Christian Theology students. I've looked around different churches, and really haven't found one.

Being both a Religion and Business Major (Non Profit), I've came up with an idea. Why not create a Non-Profit College based Apologetics Ministry? I have the leadership skills, and I'm quickly gaining entry Apologetic/Theology knowledge. I could use what I learn in General Business, Marketing, and Financing to aid in this project.

I'm positive there are other's out there who are searching for a Christian environment that stresses apologetics and a general defense of the faith. I can't possibly be the only one. With there being a need, I might as well practice my business skills by meeting it. The project itself could prove to be a rewarding experience on my chosen majors as well.

Nothings concrete, but here are some of the idea's I've had about the group:

-Something along the name of College Apologist, and invites Christians (Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox) of all denominations.

-At first, I would have to find intelligent college students, who have entry knowledge of apologetics, and theology, and a firm foothold in scripture. Those with interest may join, but beginning purpose of this ministry desires a good amount of knowledge. The club will basically meet once a week, at a specific location, to tackle Theological and apologetic questions.

-The first thing the group of apologist will do is design a basic and simple statement of faith. If various Christians are represented (Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox) then the group can be split. The emphasis is placed on Defending Christ and God through means of philosophy, etc.

-To get the group going, issues will be given weekly. Members will brainstorm a defense against said issue. Exp: One week the Topic is "Why Would God Allow Suffering?". The group will be given time to collect research, and then on the day of the meeting, will work TOGETHER with other members to share research, ideas, and formulate one concise argument. These arguments will be placed on a website and shared with the public, for use in educating Christians on theological and apologetic responses to such issues.

-The ministry is based on educating a Christian audience on how to intelligently defend their faith, and approach difficult theological issues. In addition, it will be an outlet to openly defend attacks from Atheist and other faith groups/individuals.

-The club will work around a main website (think, etc). The site will be something in progress. It will be updated with the arguments that the group devises, as well as other news and material. It will also follow somewhat of a peer review. Upon placing the arguments on the site, Atheists, fellow Christians, and others can offer criticism to the arguments. This peer review process will allow us to find holes in the argument, and either edit it, or add a rebuttal. An emphasis is placed on welcoming others to challenge the views Via Email.

-The group will only be successful if a small group of dedicated and intelligent college Christians is found. The number doesn't have to start high (maybe just 4-6 to start) but just as any business, growth is a goal. Because of desired growth, money will be an issue. There will most likely be a non-profit donation portion of the site, with an emphasis placed on where the money goes (Initially it will be to keep the site up and running, and prevent me and the group from paying for the domain name). Finding sponsors is another option. In the future, if successful, the group can use funds to create pamphlets, fliers, seminars, etc.

-Now the Goal for the group would be something along the line of: 1) Apologetic Awareness and education amongst the Christian community 2) An apologetic based defense from attacks against the Faith 3) Non-Profit Growth 4) Expansion.

-When I say expansion, I mean I desire this to stretch beyond a small group of people offering their ideas. I want it to spread across campuses. I want there to be chapters, run by individuals, in separate schools. If success goes this far, I would like to see Churches adopt the program. This would mean success in a business perspective, and it would be extremely rewarding to see different chapters in different colleges working with difficult issues. It will be a Ministry, and of course will place fulfilling The Great Commission and the teachings of Christ as its priority (Inviting others to know Christ, etc). The growth mentioned above would just allow the group to reach a wider audience and receive more authority and respect.

-Upon growth, positions in the membership will not be excluded to only to Apologist and Theologians. The group will clearly need people with leadership skills, accounting skills, graphic design skills (One way to raise money besides donations is through selling Shirts with custom made designs, with all profit going to membership based activities), Web Designers, People into Marketing, etc.

-If success if attained, a sister program can be run by the group to educate Christians on how to develop skills in apologetics. Basically, an outreach.

ALL OF THIS IS MERELY AN IDEA. I place it here as a means of preserving the idea as mine. I plan on working intensely to get the thing off the ground (If I decide to do it). If something similar is out there, I would love to exchange ideas.

The only way I will be successful is if I find a small group of dedicated college Christians (or youth) who are into the idea of getting together once a week, and discussing apologetics. I will start my search now, and if I can find some students in Miami who are into the idea, then I'll get it off the ground. If enough students get into the idea from different colleges in Miami (FIU, UM, Miami Dade) then the process of creating chapters will occur. Since I will be leaving to FSU or UF in the fall, you can see how I will go up there to create a new chapter and further the group’s environment.


Thanks and God Bless.
-Leonard O
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