Lost my phone again last week.
Took me a week to convince myself that this time, nobody will be calling me up to return me my Sony Ericsson P900.
Yeah. This time round I lost my old P900. In fact, this is the 3rd time I have lost it. So no 3rd time lucky for me. No kind hearted colleague or nice taxi driver calling me up to return it to me. And having this happen to me just less than a month after losing my Motorola Rokr E1.....Arggggghhhhhh! There! I felt better!
I was sure that I was pretty careful with my phone this time. Did not leave any place without checking the table and chair. I have a strong feeling that this is a theft rather than a "blur" misplacement. Sigh....Que Sera Sera.
Now what phone to buy...now temporarily using company loan phone. Tsk. Very good phone but this N70 is very big and bulky...kinda like my P900...*Sob*
Looking determinely at the brighter side of thing.....P990 is suppose to be coming soon. When?