Your daily dose of twitter goodness...
- 07:35 good morning, internet! feeling productive, just finished sorting. now only to write 2k words to make up for yesterday... #
- 08:11 I doubt I'll ever be able to get to 50k at this rate... #nanowrimo #
- 12:53 I need to stop distracting myself and get back to work. but there are so many things I want to do... #
- 13:23 okay. actually going to try to get some writing done. don't let me get distracted! #nanowrimo #
- 13:50 @ meruz on IRC? I should pop in, I totally forgot about it! #
- 15:27 whee, 2439 words total after doing 483 in a 15min word war... good stuff, even if I'm still behind... #nanowrimo #
- 15:39 @ BookwormHeather no, I'm not... but thank you anyway ^^ #
LoudTwitter of d00m and d3structi0n!