Feb 11, 2011 22:50

I have not done a real post here in a very, very long time so i thought that i should probably do the keyboard on this computer in the library is fun to type on so i wanted an excuse to type a lot!!! :D

Alright so where should i begin?

University Life: UGH!!! i thought i left highschool!!! apparently not becuause clayton and mine's beloved friend dan has yet to grow a set of BALLS. Seriously, love triangles are stuuuuupiiiiddd. the basic story is the typical triangle stupidness: dan liked megan, she didnt like him. chelsy like/s dan, dan doesnt like her. dan wasnt man enough to say something to megan and eventually suffered a total breakdown freakout when he found out megan was basically back together with her previous bf (who she broke up with for college but i think they are like...golden). so megan wound up having to approach dan and have the conversation with him which was really her talking and explaining and him going "i know." or "yeah." IN THE MEAN TIME! it turns out that chelsy was having other issues and her feelings for dan were sort of born out of that but nonetheless were making her feel worse, especially since dan the cuddley type that he is was cuddling with her and saying things like "now turn into megan" which was UNEXCUSABLE!! IN SHORT: megan chelsy and that whole group are now mad with dan. Dan is acting like a self-centered little prick, even to me and clayton who have done nothing but try to support him, which i should get MASSIVE KUDOS for becuase i hate this kinda shit but always wind up in the middle not too mention im also mad at Dan for being a total ASSHOLE to chelsy and a ball-less man to megan. but now dans being absolutely petty and just flat out prickish to me and clay and ive had it to up TO HERE *indicates* with this drama. Maybe its becuase i have to deal with real problems in life, not wanting to drink becuase i feel like ive thrown my future away or learning to cope with my sister being in the hospital, still battling her anorexia even though its been four years of the same thing, but honestly people....your growing up now, you dont have time for this shiiit.

OTHER THAN THAT: LIfe is just PEACHY *sarcasm* im overloaded with work in classes im starting to loose faith that i can pass. Every intro to modern publishing class that i go to (its only on thursday nights from 630-830/9) makes me less and less confident in my choice as far as dropping education and going into editing/publishing. education was something i like, half wanted to do and not too mention it was a STABLE job in an area that will always  be needed. With editing/publishing the market is quite literally in a complete upheavel. Everything is slowly going digital which means eventually, most likely, no need for publishers or editors becuase any fucking joe-schmo dubmass could go online and sell his novel, memoir, poetry, whatever. the other problem with publishing  business currently is that the corporate wall-street money greedy assholes have tried to turn a business that was not really founded around profit but around risk into a business that is about making as much money as possible. the superstores and such PUSH publishers to bring them the next best seller, which turns out shit like twilight, and takes away from the possiblity of finding high quality novels. its just an industry thats kinda being turned on its head and there is no money in it pretty much. I feel like ive doomed myself to life of unemployment or jumping from job to job just to try and help make ends meet or feel like im not a drag on clayton, so i dont feel like i stay at home doing nothing  all day while Clayton is out working goodness knows what kind of hours to support us, and our children eventually though i suppose once i have our children and i wont feel so bad about staying home but STILL. right now, I reallllllly just nervous about the future but it doesnt seem so dreadful to be a stay at home wife/mom, i mean it'll be me and clayton...thats all i want from life :)

OTHER STURFFF:  Sisters in the hospital. again. its been affecting me adversely but its been getting better over the past week. clays been great about it. ehmm....oh yeah: FLOGGING MOLLY CONCERT ON THE 25TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WITH CLAYTON AND sister but omg CONCERRRTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FIRST OF 2011 OMGGG Im a little nervous about their new album Speed of Darkness becuase the new single that they released Don't Shut 'Em Down is quite distinctly lacking that certain something that IS flogging molly so HOPEFULLY its was just that song buuuutt other than that CONCERTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

other than that there is anything much else going in my life...not that i can think of at this if you wanna know something ask me!!!

i miss you people :D <3333

rl shenanagins, flogging molly, uni, concert addiction

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