Disney World

Jul 19, 2010 18:37

What follows is going to be the epic long post about my past week or so. Sadly, there will be no photos since my sister has them all on her camera and would not give me the memory card. When and if i get that card there will be pics over on fb, and i'll put some here =] There will be long rants about: rides, problems with my sister, and ofcourse some poetry mixed in. Read at your own discretion.

I guess i will start with the day i left since i kinda left ya'll hanging with that post about me telling jeff. So i txted him and asked if he was at his office in St. lawerence (the church in chester) since i had to go by there to grab 206 to head down to Princeton. he said he was and to feel free to drop by so i did. and i told him. he was shocked, obviously. he said i had some guts telling him, to which i answered well you deserve the truth after all. and then he said to do whatever i needed too.....And then we hung out. like nothing happened. Awesomesauce <33 it was actually quite hysterical. do you all know those jellybeans, mike and ikes? haha he calls them "tyson and eisenhowers" xD then the priest who was there came in and was talking to Jeff and saw me and was like "i dont believe we've had the pleasure of meeting, which is odd bc i know basically everybody in my parish." and Jeff says, "no i dont think you have met michelle" and i trying to be gentle about it i was all "well father im not from this parish per se..." and Jeff jumps in "yes father her family goes to St. Lukes," and the priest says "ohh," and jeff goes "yeah there are a few a good families down there and hers is one of them." and the priest smiles and then talks a little more business with Jeff and then walks out. I look at Jeff and go, "dude ofcourse he hasnt met me! for starters, i never came to this church as a kid and when do you ever see me at church nowadays?!" Jeff goes, "ohhh good point." lmfao awesome. i have the coolest best friend everr <33 so glad i have and am basically moved on from that stupid feelings i had.

So that was day one away from you lot. day two was me traveling down to disney. it was lame. plane got a little delayed so i txted Tony and Jim and told them to expect to text them when i got home so we could hang out, to which they all agreed. Plane took off. damn. i loovees me some flying. in fact i wrote a little something about it, that moment in particular but im going to spare you all that poem bc its a little to prose-esque at the moment for my liking, keep an eye out for it later. so plane lands get off, take the giant disney bus to the hotel, checked in and WATCHED GERMANY WIN THIRD PLACE FUCK YESSS!!!! DEUTSCHLAND UM DEN SIEG!!!! i'll take third place bitches cuz its better than half the world did so suck on that other countries DEUTSCHLAAAANDD!!!! :D  then went to Magic Kingdom. Rode splash mountain quite a few times....stayed there real late hanging around riding rides :D

Day Three WORLD CUP!!!! ESPANA!!!! oh man that was a good game and as much as i love the Dutch and Sneijder i routed for spain. Robben for the Dutch played his heart out and i wanted to hug him but alas. spain WINS!!! hahaha yesss it was a tight game just the way it should be! i am soo incredibly sad its over but it was a fair goal and a honorable game and it ended well.  cant wait to be watching it again in four years when (OMG) i'll have graduated from COLLEGE :D:D
Then we went to magic kingdom again. Splash Mountain, Space Mountain, Runaway railroad, haunted mansion, dumbo, we basically rode every ride in that park. We also managed to see some of the fireworks show called "Nightastic" its cute for little kids. Its a recording of voices and songs set to Fireworks. the fairies from sleeping beauty are doing there little thing about love and cute things with pink and blue and red fireworks when BOOM! Captain hook and his pirates roll up and nex thing ya know they're battling for the castle and the pirates of the caribbean theme song is happening while these loud and bright fireworks are just shooting and blowing up and the place sounds like a real battleground and then whammo theres a pirate flag being reflected on the Castle. The pirates are all "muahahaha WIN!" and the fairies are all "CRAP OUR CASTLE!" when la-ti-da TINK goes flying by and green fireworks go off and the pirates are all "ohhhh retreatttt its pixie dust aaahh!!" and the castle is saved cue the cutesy music and the happily ever after bullshit. OH AND! at one point we did this little fake shooting range that when i first went to disney when i was 11 i did it and my dad said to me since id never shot anything even remotely close to a gun before, "you aim the gun at the red dots on the things out there and then pull the trigger." and i went "like this? *BAM BAM BAM*" and hit like everything i aimed at on target!! haha i was a regular gibbs with that damn thing XD so my sister this time wanted to see if i was still as good as that time. so we go over and im shooting and doing just as good and she stands next to me and is failing epicly. All of a sudden a hear a little boys voice go, "you're a really good shot!" i turn and look to my left and there is this boy of about 8 looking at me in shock and i say, "thaank you!!" and start to turn back to start shooting again and he goes, "And you're pretty too!!" so i say, "awh thaaank youu!" and then he says, "you must get all the boys!!" i sighed smiling at him, returning to my shooting saying, "if only that were true my friend, if only that were true."

Day Four we went to Animal Kingdom. WOO!!! We rode that dinosaur ride. had the pleasant surprise of it being narrated and "guided" by William Langhorn...the guy who plays Hodges on CSI hahaha that was so strange. that ride though, HOLY FRAK!!! awesomenessss!!!!! you "travel" back in time and are suppose to be sooner in time but Hodges sends you to the day of the dinosaur annihilation via asteroid to find an Iguadon to bring back for study. ofcourse its night time so your bouncing around in your vehicle trying to track the damn thing and bump into other dinos then OMG TREX!!! so you drive off at top speed and swerve around then the asteroids are about to hit and you round a corner, car stops and GGAAHHHH TREX POPS OUT and they take your picture lmfao and then you drive off and back forward in time just avoiding being eaten, destroyed by asteroids and the iguadon is with you, though somewhere else in the lab. that ride rocked hahaha my picture was awesome. My sister was screaming in shock leaning away from the thing and im just sitting there leaning towards it with that typical jaw dropped OMG WHAT look on my face only about 9times stronger than usual. hahaha epic is epic. Also rode the new ride there, expedition everest:search for the yeti. he-he-he that ride was coolness. it was a rollercoaster and it went REALLY high and had huge drops and even goes fast and down backwards. they have little parts where ya suppose to think the Yeti's there and or has been. its cute. not worht a two hour wait though like some people did. thank you fastpass. one of the best parts of that ride was that while waiting in line you got to walk by some of the "evidence" collected over the years about the Yeti. Now because i fastpassed the ride i didnt get to look at them all that much BUT!!! towards the very end in a displaycase was a picture of the one and only Joshua Gates, a copy of the footprint he casted and a blurb about him. i had a mini nerd attack at that fact cuz i knew who that was!!! lol now i may not buy into the yeti or anything else that Joshua Gates and his team on Destination Truth look for, but somethings, like DNA you cant just deny. We saw this Lion King show. HOLY CRAP!!! it was mad awesome!!! hahaha they even did Scar's song be prepared with a flame eater guy and i totally geeked out over that because Scar was my first love and favorite character in the Lion King and that was my favorite Disney movie and i went through phase where for a good year or so when ppl would ask my name id say "IM SCAR!! *RRROOOOOOAAARR!*" and OMG I LOVE SCAR <3333 *ahem* The other ride we rode at animal king was a water rapids ride called KALI. You be your ass as i was staning in the fastpass line about to board it i did some parts of Will's dance AND when i was going down the big fall i yelled as loud as i could "KKKAAAAAALLLIIIII!!!" scared the people i was with but felt damn proud of my Sanctuary nerd moment after it xD

The following day, we did Epcot. We did that ride in the big giant ball...called....Mission Space! and test track. soarin' and then hit up the worldd. Norway first and got to ride Maelstrom. love it. trolls and vikings great little ride :P So then we go 'round to the other countries. We walked by mexico, we went back later that night cuz pffft. its mexico. lol. then China which we browsed through briefly before heading off to DEUTSCHLAND!!! Had an amazing brautwurst for lunch deliciousnessssss. now the ppl who work there are really from germany so the ones who werent busy found a soccer ball and started passin it around and juggling. I was watching them juggle so my sister teases me that i should go over and join them. i reply, "nah you should! i was never very good at juggling but you should! you always had the skills in soccer." Her reply to my compliment: " *angry halfchuckle* yeah you were never good at anything to do with soccer."
-.- awesome right? ok sure i wasnt the decorated and varsity player that she was, but thats becuase i didnt bother playing for the highschool team past freshman year cuz it was fun, and that to me is the most important part of the sport. so i played REC instead where i had loads of fun and did well!! i was the top goal scorer all 3 years i played and got to battle it out with my closest friends! it was awesome. but that was just uncalled for.
We then went on to Italy, smoozed by bc blegh italy lol. then AMERICA!!! where the most epic Tesla moment everr!!! In the little show there they have animatronic dummies that talk and guide you through a brief overview of american history. the two animatronics hosting the show? Ben Franklin and Sam Clemens aka Mark Twain aka Nikola's friend!!! so we get a time and theres various others on stage including Alexander Bell who says Twain, "have you heard that fellow Tom Edison down in Menlo Park?" The freaking Twain dummy gets a disgusted look on his face, turns away from the others and says in a biting disgusted tone, "No i certainly dont." hahahaha i almost burst out into a loud whooping round of applause and cheering about Tesla. but i maganged to keep my exuberance at this total negation of that confounded idiot Edison by a true friend of Tesla to a bear chuckle. NIKOLA TESLA FTW!!! [/resident Tesla&J-Yo obsessed ranting]
So after america it was a breeze through morocco and japan onto france where we got some kesh (SO GOOD) and a baggette. delicious. Nicole took a phone call with her boss and friend Dotty while i browsed around France. When i was done i sat down on the bench hear her just in time to hear her say "well the doctor said if i wasnt going on vacation he'd have sent me to the hospital." before she got up and walked away. -.- once again, fantastic.
once she was off the fone we went to the UK and saw the mock beatles band. lol so great. then CANADA!!! i was laughing wishing i could take pics and send them to all my canadian friends. naturally my sister complained that she hated canadians cuz their stupid. i almost yelled at her bc i know plenty of canadians and none of you all are stupid!! *shakes head* w.eee anyways  so after that we hung around and then watched the fireworks show. that was pretty chill! you could see everybody standing around all the worlds wathcing and the actually fireworks were cool and at one point all the lights flicked on on all the Worlds. so neato. We then browsed around Mexico i got a new ring and she bought mom an Aztec calendar. she got nachos and i got funnel cake.

the following day we had intended to get up and go to the water park Typhoon Lagoon but slept through the alarms and went to Hollywood studios instead. Muppets for the win!!! haha so we did that park. You may know it as the former "MGM Studios" aha. yeah that hurt cuz the whole busride over all i can think was "damn it MGM. i want my third movie =[" but once we got there we fastpassed Tower of Terror and then STAR TOURS!!! i love me star wars and i do mean LOVE. serioiusly obsessed with those movies. And that ride = ROFLOL. so we did that ride and the "greatest hollywood movies" ride. the backlot stunt tour. Naturally we saw the Indiana Jones show my sister got picked to be an extra lmfao. fantastic. so funny watching her up there. Also we HAD to see the Muppet 3D show thing. I LOVE THE MUPPETS!! KERMIT AND SAM THE EAGLE AND FOZZY AND GONZO AND BEAKER&BUNSON AND JUST OMG MUPPETS ARE MADE OF WIN!!!!! hahaha i love them. so yes we saw that. And we rode. The twilight zones tower of TERRORRR!!!! holy fucking shit that ride is pure awesomeness. 13 story drop in a seat and in basically total darkness. sooo much funnn!!! i looveddd it. when i rode for the third time the next day i actually put my hands up and looked totally bitching in that photo but my sister thought she looked bad so she wouldnt let me get it. Anyways we spent basically all day at Hollywood Studios. We went back to our room and hung out a bit before deciding to have dinner at Planet hollywood in downtown disney. we caught the bus and walked over there. on the way we went by a little tattoo station so i got Scar on my left arm :D:D:D so we get to Planet Hollywood and get seated at basically on of the best seats in the house. a table for two up by the stage so we can see all the stuff around from the various movies. That was cool. The food was good and the music was well, interesting. not my taste lol but they played a lot of old school stuff. first they played newer stuff and my sister was joking around always asking me "is this coldplay?" cuz thats the only newer band name she knows. at one point cold play actually came on, i recognized the song, and said "yes this is infact coldplay!" and she says "how do you know?" and i told her i recognized the singers voice. she asked me how i could and i said, "well one of the songs from Antioch that i really love was a coldplay song so i know his voice." She gets this utterly pissed off look on her face and says "antioch. i was so mad at you for antioch. antioch i was so pissed..." her sentence just trailed off and then the waiter came with our appetizers.
that really hurt me quite a lot. let me explain though, as idk who among you are Roman Catholics or how wide spread a tradition Antioch is. So antioch was a city where the followers of Christ were first called Christians. The retreat Antioch is a weekend for highschoolers sophmores juniors and seniors run by juniors and seniors on Team with the help of adults in the church (such as Jim and Tony) and the peer ministers (Jeff for St Lawerence).  Over the weekend those on Team give talks, which are on different subjects but about real events in their lives. Tis a really weekend and despite the religious aspects of it, i found myself attending all but one of the six antiochs that i could and applying for Team. now im an atheist, but i went and got something out of the weekend that was not religious which i s quite possible to do. It allowed me to have a time when i could meet people and be myself, and it gave me the oppurtunity to reach out and find the friends who could give me the help i needed. It gave me friendship free of judgement of any kind in which all of us were just ourselves. Its where i met Jim Tony and Jeff all of whom who have helped get and stay and supported me in my sobriety and staying healthy with my eating and depression, they are the 3 strongest and healthiest relatinoships ive ever had. Now i'll admit, ive never told Nicole any of that. Infact ive never really told her anything about the weekend. She's asked a lot but ive always avoided and just not answered straight forward. I get that might annoy but wtf business is it of hers to be that nosy? i never told her because i didnt want her to taint my experiences there or be a part of that little corner of my life. but i honestly have no idea why she's mad at me about it =/

The following day we went to Typhoon lagoon. AWESOME WATER PARK!!! CRUSH AND GUSHER IS AWESOMEEEEE!!! you go down these tubes on those inflatable rafts hahaha holy shit that was fun in the sun. I went on it once and i was upfront and got completely and utterly LAUNCHED out of the raft thing and into the pool at the end when you come out of the tube slid thing. hahahaha i cannot tell you wtf happened one second im on the raft in front flying out the front of the tunnel, theres the usual bump of when we exit and hit the pool and then the next thing i know im underwater coming up for air. lmafo so great. so we rode that a few times, did some real raft rides then grabbed lunch. im sitting holding a table for us and this little boy of about 7 or 8 from the other table hops over to stand on the bench opposite me to see the birds better. i then sense him looking at me so i turn smile and say hi. he says hello and then hops back over to his table. a few minutes later he comes back and starts talking to me about his sunglasses trying to switch with me and then about he was gonna swim with the leopard shark but that it wouldnt eat him cuz daddy was gonna hold his hand.
I am a big hit with the 8 and under crowd -.-
After riding crush and gusher a few more times we went back to the resort showered changed and headed over to Hollywood Studios to catch Fantasmic! the best show in all of the parks!!! its awesome. basically the "villains" get together and try to smash Mickeys dreams of a happyily ever after. Scar was in it!! that made me insanely happy. until he was defeated. one day imma write a story where the "bad guy" wins. hahaha xD

SO friday we spent the day at magic kingdom again. more splash mountain. oh and space mountain again omg ive officially decided disney or whoever decided that ride and Mission Space in epcot was a total and utter sci-fi nerd. First of all, the narration on Mission space was written by RAY BRADBURY!!! I love Bradbury!!! He's made of win!!! :D:D Secondly, the ships you see while on Space Mountain are most definately from 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY!!! I totally geeked out when i saw it the first time i was bouncing around in my seat going "omg thats from 2001!!! omg thats the ship with HAL!! aahh!!" and then i was screaming bc i was hurtling down a real steep drop in the darkness LOL so yes some sci-fi nerd made both of those. it was epic. so we did splash mountain, space mountain, and hit up the hall of presidents and i got my christmas gift for Jeff and if he ever texts me back i'll give it to him haha.  Then we hung around and caught the fireworks again, rode splash mountain, saw the light parade which is pretty chill., its just various floats with lights, like christmas lights, decorating them. hahaha they have a giant shroom with that catapiller from the alice in wonderland movie on it smoking a hookah and the best part is that smoke actually comes out the damn hookah XD hahahaha i died of laughter upon seeing that. EPIC.

Saturday we got up, finished packing, and went over to hollywood studios. We had lunch at the Sci-Fi Drive In Diner. OMG SO COOL! there are fake cars all inside faceing a giant screen that loops commericials from the 50's for actual old school sci-fi B movies LOL so hysterical. Great gag and great food. Twas epic. After  we rode star tours again, shopped around a bit in the store. then we went  over to the Muppet store! i got a shirt and she got a Fozzy bear and i got another Scar tattoo on my other arm and she got a pirates of the carribbean skull and then we went back to the restort, grabbed the bus to the airport. flight was delayed. had dinner in the airport ruby tuesdays. sat around, she watched a little sanctuary (hated it) and i read more of Rendezvous with Rama (loved it) and then got on the plane and returned to philly.

And thats about it really. Overall it was a pretty fun trip, but spending that much time with my sister, ive decided, is not conducive to my health. Thus i did a lot of writing while gone. For now its not so good, i was gonna share some of it throughout the post but uhh as i re-read it i realized that it was bad&needed a lot of work. But i'll only share this one as i think it kinda sums the trip all up nicely and isnt completely horrendus. It doesnt have a title yet.

You'd think here
In the world of Magic
I would enjoy warm sunshine
Properly chlorined pools, sand between toes
Scream worthy rides, fantastic fireworks
Giggles and ice cream;
Sisterhood memories.

But instead
I'm dipping my toes in the pool
Texting my twitter thinking how
Best Friends would have spent the past few hours
Noticing how nicely this tank top
Hides my weight compared to hers.

jethro gibbs, friends love, wc/germany, world cup 2010!!, arthur c clarke, best friend, poetry, rl shenanagins, disney world, wc/spain, will zimmerman, sister, sanctuary, rl

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