Aug 26, 2007 17:58

A decision has been made. I'm leaving the TXSG, Texas State Guard.
There have been a lot of things going on this past weekend, one which involves me looking to move real soon.
brian_berlin, if you wish to take over the comm site I had started, I will turn the controls to you. I will stay as a member to see updates and probably even post from time to time. :-)
Also, selenite, sorry I haven't answered your posts to the TXSG comm site. We at the TXSG, I know in my BN we don't have any physical requirements to run and such but brian_berlin might could tell you more about his BN.
Brian, I was going to ask you about the TXSG Rangers unit. Being a former FF/EMS Medic, I still remember a lot of my training and such and thought I would go back to that field to help out.
I think for now I will pass on this. I appreciate it though.

I know I will miss the TXSG. I have enjoyed it very much and all that I got to do. I know I'll keep my Class B uniform and a pair of my BDU's.

Brian, just let me know if you wish to take over the controls to the TSG site here on LJ and I'll give it to you.
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