HERO meets NARNIA meets MIRRORMASK?? what do you think?

Mar 10, 2006 10:45

For all my asian film fan friends and friends of my asian film fan friends... can anyone tell me what they have heard about the movie THE PROMISE?

This is all I have so far. Chinese film, directed by the guy who did Farewell My Concubine, came out on DVD already overseas to rave reviews (meaning it will be released here in the States porbably within the next year or so.) I saw a link to it while looking for the new Howard Shore score I heard about in Film Monthly Podcast. which by the way, if you like the lord of the rings scores, you will like this.

this saves me instant messaging everyone about it... hopefully. it seems that the live journal post reading has diminished as of late. comment me bitches! let me know what you think...

THE PROMISE (Hong Kong all region DVD):

Howard Shore's new score to video game SUN: Soul of the Ultimate Nation
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